(HF) Chapter Fourteen: Wandering Dragon

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(The chapter opens with Kana and Kanaya walking with Shigure and Lyci. Only the four of them can be seen onscreen)

Kana: Are we headed in the right direction to fight off Thalone?

Kanaya: Or should we call him Anankos...? Hm... 

Shigure: I suppose it's up to you... And no. Not quite yet. There's one thing I want to take care of before that. 

Lyci: We're going to see my mother. 

Kana: Will she know how to stop Thalone?

Shigure: I don't know if she'll have that much information for us, but she'll want an update on our current situation. Plus, she has a few things that we want to pick up. 

Lyci: I'm sure she'll like you both a lot. She knew your parents back in the days of the war, regardless of the timeline. 

Kanaya: Wow... I wonder what she'll have to say. 

Shigure: We won't know for sure until we get there. I hope she'll have something to help us. 

Lyci: I hope so too, but... I'm not going to get my hopes up or anything. 

Kana: Wait... Look over there! 

Kanaya: More invisible soldiers... 

Shigure: They really don't ever stop...

Lyci: We've fought a lot of soldiers in our time, but it wouldn't be enough to wipe out the population of an entire nation. I don't think we would ever do that in our lifetimes.

Shigure: You have a point... If we take them out now, they can't ambush us later. We should gather the rest of the troops. 

Lyci: Shigure! Look! Over there!

Shigure: Is that...?

(The camera pans over to the other side of the battlefield where Lilith, clearly consumed by purple fire like the invisible enemies, is standing cornered by Vallite soldiers)

Lyci: Mother!

Shigure: If she's under attack, we have to help her.

Kana: We'll go get everyone ready for the fight.

Kanaya: We've got this all under control. We're coming to save you!

(The battle begins. The goal of the chapter is to rescue Lilith, who is in the top right corner, from the oncoming invisible soldiers)

(If Shigure speaks to Lilith, this dialogue plays out)

Shigure: Lilith! 

Lilith: Shigure, I didn't expect to see you here... 

Shigure: We can talk later. For now, we have a battle to take care of. 

Lilith: I agree. Let's get to it. 

(If Lyci speaks to Lilith, this dialogue plays out)

Lyci: Mother, I'm so glad to see that you're alright!

Lilith: Lyci! I'm relieved you're safe as well... 

Lyci: When I saw those invisible soldiers, I was worried, but--

Lilith: You knew I could handle it?

Lyci: Yeah... I'm glad I was right!

Lilith: Stay safe for me, alright? We can talk more after this is over.

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