(B) Chapter Twenty-Four: Kiss of Revenge

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(When the chapter starts, Corrin's party is walking through Windmire just inside the border of the capital. The royals can be seen onscreen along with Saizo and Kaze. Note: Saizo and Kaze are unable to die before this point. If they are defeated on classic mode, they will only retreat for the sake of their dialogue in this chapter. If they are defeated after this point, both of them die for real.)

Corrin: I'm glad we're finally in Windmire... The war is so close to ending now...

Kaze: You seem out of it... Are you still thinking about Lilith?

Corrin: I can't help it... I feel awful for what happened to her...

Ryoma: You aren't the one to blame for her passing. None of us could have known that was going to happen. 

Hinoka: It's hard not to blame yourself for it, but... Can you at least try?

Corrin: A-Alright...

Takumi: Stop talking.

Sakura: T-Takumi? Why are you being so rou--

Takumi: There's somebody coming... No, there are a lot of people here.

Azura: I can hear something too... Prepare yourselves.

(Kotaro and a small group of Mokushujin appear)

Corrin: Wait... You're the daimyo of Mokushu!

Sakura: I-I thought we got rid of him...

Hinoka: Wait... I remember now! We defeated him, but we didn't have the chance to capture or finish him before Takumi appeared.

Kotaro: It was a mistake for you to not capture me back then. Of course, I won't object to anything that works in my favor at the end of the day...

Saizo: You...

Kotaro: Hm... You look familiar... Ah. I remember now. Your father died at my hands many years ago. You look similar to him... You as well.

Kaze: ...

Saizo: I knew it... You're the man who killed our father.

Kotaro: It took us a while to cross paths, but that will make this all the more sweet.

Corrin: This is the end for you. Despite your confident words, today is the day you fall.

Kotaro: You said something similar last time we met, but I was the one who got away. May this fight show who the true winner is.

Kaze: I must know why you are doing this. Why are you here?

Kotaro: You let me get away, so I retreated to Nohr. I want to be of as much assistance to King Garon as possible. He'll be my greatest ally in getting more land to expand the borders of Mokushu. When you die in this city and Hoshido falls, Hoshido's land will be mine for the taking.

Hinoka: You greedy little...

Kotaro: But that's enough talk. Goodbye.

(The battle begins. The map is the same as chapter 23's map in the game. The objective is to defeat the commander, Kotaro. There are four green units on this map, one on the left and three on the right. The left green unit is Shura. The three green units on the right are wearing hoods that obscure their faces. Their classes are Mechanist, Master of Arms, and Onmyoji. Note: From the start of this chapter onwards, Lilith cannot be used in battle anymore)

Shura: Kotaro... You had better be ready for this. I'm not showing you any mercy, you filthy dastard...

(Kotaro is fought in battle)

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