(HF) Chapter Sixteen: Erase

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(The chapter opens with Shiro, Siegbert, Kana, Kanaya, Shigure, and Lyci leading the group towards the palace of Valla. Shigure is lagging a bit behind and seems to be lost in thought.)

Shiro: Shigure, are you alright? You don't seem to be paying attention. 

Kana: I noticed that too. If something is bothering you, we would be happy to listen to you talk about it. 

Shigure: That's kind of you to offer, Kana. I appreciate it. 

Siegbert: So... What's on your mind?

Shigure: I've been thinking about what will happen after all of this is over. 

Kanaya: Life will go back to normal... Well, sort of. As normal as it can be after all of this. 

Lyci: I think he means the energy release caused by the unnatural death of a god. 

Shigure: Exactly. Thalone is a reincarnation of Anankos, and if we kill him, something could happen. We have no choice other than to take him out, but it does make me wonder what magical impacts it will have on the rest of the world. 

Shiro: Do you think it will be good or bad? I don't think I can deal with any other negative outcomes after all of this crap. 

Siegbert: A lot has happened rather quickly, so I can't blame you for thinking that way. 

Shigure: I don't know for sure. It's all been unexpected and unique. No two reactions have ever been the same, and I don't think this one will follow the same rules as the previous times this has happened either. 

Kana: In other words, you don't know what we'll be dealing with... 

Shigure: I'm afraid not. After all, there isn't any real way to predict what will happen when Thalone dies. The energy release always has different impacts on the world, and I doubt this one will follow those rules. 

Kanaya: Plus, he seems to be super powerful. If he can summon all of these creepy invisible soldiers, he has to have a lot of magic at his disposal. 

Lyci: Only time will tell how this turns out then... As worrying as that is, at least it gives us more time to think about how we're actually going to pull this whole thing off. We're marching off to kill a god. 

Kana: I want things to go back to how they were before all of this... I miss the peace of our old lives before the war started... 

Kanaya: It feels weird to call it a war. 

Shiro: There weren't any signs of a fight breaking out beforehand, so it hardly had any buildup. 

Siegbert: Conflict was likely brewing in the head of our enemy for quite some time before he lashed out. There was rising tension, but we didn't see it since we never went to Valla. 

Shigure: Now, it's impossible to ignore. He's using an entire nation's population to invade other countries, and you can't shrug that off. 

Lyci: Shigure, look! There are some of the people from that population you mentioned!

Shigure: You're right... We should get ready to fight them off. 

Kana: Another day, another fight... 

Kanaya: This is getting so tiring. 

Shigure: Lyci, go rally the troops. It's time to get down to business. 

Lyci: Understood, Shigure!

Siegbert: Again they come for us... 

Shiro: Let's show them what we're made of!

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