(B) Chapter Twenty-Six: Last Stand of Nohr

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(The chapter begins with Garon standing alongside a hooded man in the throne room of Nohr)

Garon: And you're sure this is going to work?

???: I'm positive. They're weak on their own. They have failed you on multiple occasions. They can't be trusted to remain loyal to Nohr with the way they've been behaving as of late. We can't allow Nohr to fall in this war. There's much left for it to do.

Garon: I agree.

???: Call them in now. I'll get to working my magic once they've arrived.

Garon: That Corrin brat might be able to fight off one royal at once, but I doubt they'll stand a chance against three.

???: Three? Who said anything about three? I have one more up my sleeve...

Garon: Oh? Go on...

(The scene changes to show Corrin and the royals walking through the Nohrian palace. Finally, they arrive at the grand staircase)

Corrin: King Garon should be coming up soon...

Ryoma: By the end of the day, this war should be over...

Takumi: It's crazy to think about, but I know it's true.

Azura: If I recall correctly, at the end of the grand staircase, the throne room will be a short distance... We're almost done.

Sakura: Finally...

Hinoka: It feels like this has been an eternity...

Corrin: Wait... Look at this.

(Nohrian soldiers are all gathered in the grand staircase, though they have no commander)

Ryoma: Who's leading them?

Azura: I don't see King Garon in here. Where could he be?

Hinoka: Would he really abandon his man at the final hour?

???: Perhaps.

(Garon appears at the top of the staircase)

Corrin: King Garon!

Elise: Father!

Garon: You've come far.

Ryoma: Your life ends here!

Garon: I have further business to attend to. Nohrian guard! Stop them at all costs!

Corrin: Wait!

(Garon leaves the room)

Takumi: Damn it all!

Corrin: It seems we don't have a choice... We need to break through the grand staircase. The Nohrian soldiers don't seem to want to fight us though. Let's try and leave as many of them alone as we can.

Hinoka: Sounds good. Let's do it!

(The battle begins. Corrin's party starts at the bottom of the map. The objective is to have Corrin escape at the top. There are roughly thirty enemies on the map. For every three enemies left alive, a reward is earned. The enemies don't go out of their way to attack you unless you attack them first to make this easier. It goes in the following order for rewards: Seraph Robe, Goddess Icon, Secret Book, Speedwing, Energy Drop, Spirit Dust, Talisman, Dracoshield, Boots, Seraph Robe. There is no in-battle dialogue on this battle since it lacks a boss)

(After the battle)

Corrin: King Garon isn't here...

Elise: He didn't even notice I was there earlier... I can't believe he's really this far gone... I think part of me always knew, but I didn't ever want to believe it.

Corrin: It's alright, Elise. Everything is going to be okay. We need to press on for the time being. Are you going to be okay?

Elise: I think so. Let's go find Xander, Camilla, and Leo.

(Elise dashes off with Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura. Azura and Corrin follow after them much slower)

Azura: You look a bit dazed, Corrin.

Corrin: I can't believe that it's really almost over. This war has been going on for so many years, but we're finally to the end. Once we defeat King Garon, we'll be free.

Azura: It's a bit overwhelming, isn't it?

Corrin: Yeah... It doesn't feel real.

Azura: Everything is going to be back to normal soon. The war will end, Nohr will return to peace, and Hoshido will no longer fear invasion.

Corrin: Plus, it seems like we may get out of this with all my siblings safe. I was scared we would have to see them die... It hurts me to say that, but... I was terrified of that. Even if I chose Hoshido, that doesn't mean I want to see them die. The siblings of Nohr still hold a special place in my heart. I couldn't kill them.

Azura: I'm happy it didn't come to that too... I know they aren't the evil ones. It's King Garon who's been manipulating them for so many years.

Corrin: I don't even want to imagine how hard it must have been for them while I was locked away in the Northern Fortress...

Azura: Luckily, you don't need to worry about that anymore. It's about to come to an end.

Corrin: You're right... Thanks for talking to me, Azura. I just had to get that off my chest, I suppose.

Azura: Let's try and catch up to the others. They're going to wonder what happened to us.

Corrin: Good point. No need to worry them more than we need to.

(Corrin dashes to meet the other royals)

Azura: You're incredibly kind, even after having spent all these months at war... I think we need more of that in the world... We have enough bloodshed as it is.


This chapter was relatively short, but that's because I know the last three are going to be super long. Oops.

If all goes according to plan, I'll be able to crank those out later this week in between typing QATH and my new story. It'll be great. 


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