Chapter Six: The Path is Yours

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(Hoshidan and Nohrian royals grow nearer to one another. They stand opposite one another, the Hoshidans and Azura on one side with the Nohrians on the other)

Xander: Corrin, you're alive! They haven't harmed you, have they?

Corrin: Xander! I'm fine. But... Why are you invading Hoshido?!

Xander: Father says it's time to show our true strength. Join us, and we'll end this quickly. If we conquer Hoshido here and now, we can avoid unnecessary bloodshed. 

Corrin: Xander... I... I need a minute...

Ryoma: Be careful, Corrin. That man is a Nohrian commander!

Corrin: Ryoma...

Camilla: Corrin! I was so worried about you. Don't ever wander away from me again!

Leo: I'm glad you're okay. You must have the devil's own luck. 

Elise: Yay! We got our sibling back!

Hinoka: Nohrian scum! First you kidnap them, now you lie to them?! Corrin is my sibling, not yours!

Camilla: You are mistaken. Corrin is my sweet little sibling. You may not have them. 

Ryoma: Don't be fooled by their words. You belong with your true family in Hoshido!

Xander: We have loved you and raised you since you were a child! Come home, Corrin! We can live as a family once more!

Ryoma: Come home to Hoshido!

Xander: No! Nohr is your home!

(Corrin looks at Xander, then back to Ryoma)

Ryoma: This way!

(Corrin looks to Hinoka, Sakura, Takumi, and Azura)

Sakura: C-Corrin?

Elise: Corrin is my sibling!

(Corrin looks to the Nohrian royals. Xander holds out his hand)

Xander: We're your family. 

Corrin: My family...

The choice is yours to make. Will you...

- Defend Hoshido

- Fight with Nohr

- Refuse to choose a side

Fate lies in your hands...


That one is literally 260 words. I told you it would be short.

I'm actually going to go and copy and paste this now. We're done with the prologue, so now things get interesting. 

- Digital

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