(AF) Chapter Thirty: Fall of a Queen

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As conflict rises in Nohr, Hoshido continues to thrive, willingly ignorant of the political collapse taking place elsewhere on the continent. Four children have been born between King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona, and their youngest is only a few months old. However, Hoshido is about to face the consequences of their previous ignorance involving the rising conflict at the hands of Nohr... 

(The chapter opens to show Ikona setting a baby Sakura down into her crib.)

Ikona: There you go, darling... Sleep well, Sakura. 

(Ikona kisses Sakura on the forehead before moving out of the room.)

Ikona: Oh, when did it get so late...? I should get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a big day. 

(Ikona continues to walk through the castle, but she stops when she hears something moving.)

Ikona: Who goes there?

(Iago steps out of the shadows. He is holding the knife Spectre in one hand.)

Iago: Boo, Your Majesty. 

(The battle begins. The player takes control of Iago, and the objective is to defeat Ikona.)

(When Iago initiates combat with Ikona, the following dialogue plays out.)

Iago: The king of Nohr needs you to die. Hoshido has remained on its high horse for too long, and if your husband will continue to be a blockade to Nohr's continental conquest, then he will simply have to face the consequences. 

Ikona: Please... This isn't meant to be happening. Hoshido and Nohr can work together as one and--

Iago: Silence! Hoshido has ignored the issues of Nohr for years, and this is what you deserve. Perish. 

(When Ikona is defeated, the following dialogue plays out.)

Iago: Hmph... And so we get closer to ending this issue once and for all.

Ikona: Please don't do this... It shouldn't have to end this way... I beg of you... 

(After the battle, Iago stands over Ikona with the knife in hand.)

Iago: It's over for you and all of Hoshido. The king of Nohr has demanded that you die, and so you will. 

(Hinoka appears around the corner.)

Hinoka: Mother...?

(Iago stabs at Ikona. She screams in pain.)

Ikona: H-Hinoka...!

(Ikona dies, and Iago looks to the princess.)

Iago: You're lucky that I have mercy.

(He points the knife at Hinoka.)

Iago: You had better value your life forever, because I am being kind to you by allowing you to keep it. Tell everyone of what happened here tonight. The queen of Hoshido is dead, and all of Hoshido will fall to ruin. It's just a matter of time. 

(Iago teleports away, leaving Hinoka alone in the room.)

Hinoka: Mother!

(Ryoma appears with Sumeragi.)

Ryoma: Hinoka?! 

Sumeragi: We heard you screaming! What hap--

(Sumeragi falls silent as he sees Ikona's body.)

Sumeragi: Ikona... 

Hinoka: She... She's gone...!

Ryoma: Come here, Hinoka... I've got you... What happened?

Hinoka: There was this man... A-And he had a knife... Then... Then... 

Sumeragi: Sh... It's going to be alright, Hinoka... Ryoma, take her elsewhere. I'll handle matters here. Make sure that Takumi and Sakura are okay. 

Ryoma: Yes, Father. 

(Ryoma looks sadly to Ikona and Sumeragi before walking away with Hinoka.)

Sumeragi: Ikona... How did this happen...? I don't know who could have hurt you this way, but I intend to find out. You shouldn't have had to die prematurely this way... All of us are going to miss you terribly...

(Sumeragi leans down beside Ikona's body.)

Sumeragi: I'm going to get revenge on the person who killed you. Even if it's the last thing I do, I'm going to make sure that justice is served. I'll look after the children in your place... Please, continue to watch over us from Akiri's side... I love you, Ikona. 

(Sumeragi rises to his feet, giving Ikona one final glance before he walks away to find assistance. The scene shifts to show Iago standing alone, examining Spectre with a smile on his face.)

Iago: That was too easy.

(Iago teleports away once again as the chapter ends.)


I wish school wasn't so stressful


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