(AF) Chapter Twenty-Four: Tale of Dusk

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Within the borders of Valla, new royal children have been born. Queen Arcadia and her husband, Rivalis, have given life to Crown Princess Oceania. Arcadia's sister, Aquaria, has birthed a child by the name of Cerulean thanks to her love with a mysterious man by the name of Thalone. Despite the joys of Valla's new lives, the tension with Nohr has not grown any better. Garon's violent nature finally boils over as he decides that he needs more land in the name of his conquest. He sets his sights on Valla, and the innocent Vallite people have no idea what awaits them. 

(The chapter opens to show Arcadia with her husband and daughter, Rivalis and Oceania, standing together in the palace of Valla.)

Rivalis: The Nohrian army is blazing through Valla at an incredible pace... They'll be here soon. 

Arcadia: There aren't enough soldiers in our army to fight back. Nohr is using its superior military strength to its advantage, and... We won't be able to succeed. 

Rivalis: ...I want you both to get as far away from here as you can. Please, find shelter and carry on the name of Valla. 

Arcadia: But what about you? 

Rivalis: This isn't a time for arguing, Arcadia. 

Arcadia: I... I understand... Please stay safe. 

Rivalis: I'll do what I can. 

Oceania: Father...?

Rivalis: I love you both so much... Now run. I'll make sure that nobody finds you. 

Arcadia: Thank you for everything, Rivalis... May we meet again under Anankos' guidance. 

(Arcadia runs away with Oceania.)

Rivalis: I pray that you will live on well without me... I love you both from the bottom of my heart. 

(The scene shifts to show Arcadia and Oceania walking through the woods of Valla.)

Arcadia: Please stay quiet for me, Oceania. Okay?

Oceania: Alright... 

(The gameplay segment of the chapter begins. The objective of the chapter is to move Arcadia and Oceania to the other end of the map while avoiding the enemy units patrolling the area. After such has been accomplished, the following dialogue plays out.)

Arcadia: It's okay now, sweetheart... We're safe... We're going to go somewhere else safe, and everything is going to be fine. Just stay quiet for a little bit longer for me, alright? I'll make sure that nothing happens to you. 

Oceania: What about Father...?

Arcadia: ...

(A soldier from Nohr passes by.)

Arcadia: Quiet, darling...

(Arcadia hides behind a tree while holding Oceania as the soldier talks to himself.)

Soldier: The king is already dead, but the queen and princess are nowhere to be found... King Garon is not going to like this...

(The soldier moves on, and Arcadia sighs sadly.)

Arcadia: Father... He won't be meeting up with us again. I'm sorry. 

Oceania: I don't understand...

Arcadia: I'll explain later, but for now... For now we have to keep moving. Everything is going to be okay. I'm going to make sure that we find a place where everything will be alright for us both.

Oceania: O-Okay... 

Arcadia: I know that it's scary, but I'm going to make sure that everything is alright for both of us. It's what your father would have wanted. 

Oceania: I-I'm scared... 

Arcadia: I'm going to keep you safe, honey. There's nothing to be worried about. I have you, and I won't let anything bad happen to you no matter what. Do you trust me? 

Oceania: Y-Yes... 

Arcadia: Good. Now, let's keep going. I'll keep carrying you for now. 

Oceania: Okay. 

Arcadia: It'll be okay. I promise. 

(Oceania nods before curling up against Arcadia's chest. She falls asleep soon afterwards, exhausted from the day's events.)

Oceania: Zzz...

Arcadia: ...Rivalis... I'm sorry that we had to leave you like that... I can only hope that you're at peace wherever you are now... I'll keep Oceania safe, and I'll live on in your name. One day... I'll reclaim Valla too. I promise you. 

(The chapter ends as Arcadia continues to walk through the forests of Valla.)


Me posting a new chapter here before midnight is a whole ass miracle


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