(AF) Chapter Thirty-Seven: Draconic Encounter

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The tension between Hoshido and Nohr has earned the attention of many across the continent. Issues within Cheve following the execution of its lord and lady have also earned the eyes of curious onlookers from other nations, leaving Valla to exist outside the realm of human attention. Those who perished in the invasion of Valla were kept alive by the lingering energy from Anankos' death, and the invisible soldiers came to live under Thalone's influence, expressing him as their leader. However, the invisible soldiers are not the only manifestations of Anankos' power from his initial demise, and Thalone has heard whispers of another side effect coming into existence thanks to past power, leaving him to investigate what this strange shadow could possibly be. 

(The chapter opens to show Thalone moving through Valla.)

Thalone: I believe that I heard that the strange figure was in this region... I don't understand why I haven't seen anyone... 

(The gameplay segment of the chapter begins. The objective is to take Thalone to the other end of the map where an unknown silhouette is waiting. After such has been accomplished, Thalone stands before the shadow as the following dialogue plays out.)

Thalone: I don't know who you are... But I demand that you show yourself at once! 

(Lilith steps into the light.)

Thalone: You... Who are you?

Lilith: My name is Lilith... Wait a moment... Your power feels so familiar...! You must be the reincarnation of Anankos!

Thalone: How did you--

Lilith: I was created from your magic! Well, not yours exactly, but... The power of the original god of Valla created me. It took a while for me to find a physical form, but I'm here now, and that's what matters. 

Thalone: That's right... I remember hearing that the gods can leave behind strange effects when they pass away by unnatural means... That's where the invisible soldiers came from, and that would certainly explain your existence as well. 

Lilith: My hair is the same color as yours. It was meant to be. 

Thalone: I suppose so... I don't know what else to say on the matter, so forgive me for being a bit flabbergasted. 

Lilith: It's alright. Besides, I don't think that we really need to bother with the details right now anyways. I know what I want to say to you, and I know what I want to do with the rest of my life too. 

Thalone: What is it?

Lilith: I want to fight in your name. I want to show you that I'm loyal to both Anankos and the rest of Valla. There isn't much left, but... I'm determined to help you in any way that you ask for help. 

Thalone: You're incredibly kind, Lilith... I would be honored to have you at my side. 

Lilith: Thank you. 

Thalone: I must ask though... What sort of skills with combat do you have? There must have been a way that you survived all these years without any consequences. 

Lilith: Since I was created solely from Anankos' power, I have the ability to turn into a dragon. I've been using this dragonstone to defend myself for a long time, and it helps me to shift back and forth between being a human and a dragon. 

Thalone: I see... Thank you for your offers of assistance. I must admit that life here has been rather lonely as of late... The invisible soldiers are hardly strong company, and those who I have brought back from the dead... They don't precisely fit the bill either. 

Lilith: In that case, I would be honored to stand by your side as we move towards the future. That much I can promise you. 

Thalone: Thank you, Lilith. Allow me to show you to the palace where I've set up my base. 

Lilith: Of course. 

(The chapter ends as Lilith and Thalone leave the screen.)


Oh boy I'm off to a late start with typing for today huh


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