(R) Chapter Twenty-Two: Lost Mothers

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(The chapter opens to show Corrin, Azura, Xander, Camilla, Leo, and Elise together in the ruins of Valla.)

Corrin: ...

Xander: What's on your mind, Corrin? 

Corrin: I suppose I'm still thinking about everything that's happened since we arrived in Valla... Things have been moving so quickly. 

Camilla: First, it was Iago and Hans. Then we had to fight our Father, who we learned was under the influence of Anankos for years... Afterwards, there was the matter of King Rivalis of Valla... 

Leo: I suppose this is all rather unprecedented... 

Elise: I just wonder what's going to happen next... What else does he have to throw at us? 

Azura: I wish I had an answer for you, but... I don't know. 

Xander: All we can do is wait and see what comes next then... 

Corrin: Wait for a moment... I think I see something off on the horizon. It looks like another faction of soldiers. 

Leo: Already? It seems as if we don't get a moment of peace these days... 

Xander: To be fair, we are in a hostile land that fell to war many years ago. This must be par for the course. 

Camilla: Still, we have to fight. We should all ready our weapons. 

Elise: There's something that seems different about these fighters though... Do you see it? 

Corrin: What do you mean? 

Elise: Most of them are wearing Nohrian clothing rather than the armor we've seen on all the Vallite soldiers... 

Azura: You're right, Elise... But what could this mean? 

Leo: We'll surely figure that out soon enough. For now, we should charge ahead and take care of business. 

Corrin: Yes... Leo is right. Let's go on and take care of them. 

(The battle begins. The objective is to rout the enemy. The enemy faction consists solely of Nohrian-classed units, all of whom are women. The leader of the forces is Katarina, Xander's deceased mother. Surrounding Katarina are three notable women: Ivanna, Eleanora, and Madeline. At the start of turn one, the following dialogue plays out.)

Xander: Hold for a moment... Those women... 

Camilla: It couldn't possibly be... 

Leo: ...Hmph. 

Elise: Mother...? 

Azura: ...

(If Xander initiates combat with Katarina, the following dialogue plays out.)

Xander: I didn't expect for us to cross paths like this after your death... Mother. 

Katarina: Xander... Why do you raise a blade to me...? We could have been happy... With Anankos... 

Xander: I know that's not what you truly believe... The only times we could have been happy were before you passed away so many years ago... And I'll do what I must to free you from the sickening spell of Anankos. 

(If anyone else initiates combat with Katarina, the following dialogue plays out.)

Katarina: I am Katarina, the queen of Nohr... Step aside or perish.

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