(HF) Chapter Seven: Breakthrough

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(The scene opens with the group arriving outside Palace Syrene a few days after the previous chapter. They still have quite the walk to arrive there fully, but they have gotten much closer to the point that it is in sight.)

Siegbert: Here we are... Palace Syrene.

Velouria: I have a bad feeling about this place.

Owen: As do I... I can't quite put a finger on it.

Percy: Whatever comes for us, justice will prevail!

Luna: Hold tight for a moment... I can tell something is wrong.

Ignatius: I hope nothing goes wrong... We're so close to having somewhere safe to stay. I don't want all of that to get ruined when victory is finally in sight.

Soleil: I wonder if there will be people in there... Nobody's been to Palace Syrene in ages, but maybe that's changed since we last heard a report of it.

Ignatius: S-Soleil, please stop trying to scare us with your ghost stories! We're already suffering from enough stress as it is, and that really isn't necessary!

Velouria: If there's somebody in there, we'll figure it out once we arrive. I'll know it as soon as they're near us if they try to pull anything.

Siegbert: I pray it doesn't come to that... 

Owen: Knowing our luck, it probably will, as much as I hate to admit it.

Percy: We'll prevail no matter what they try.

Luna: Stop. Someone is here... Or rather, something is here. I can tell.

Soleil: Then... What is it? You have to have some idea, right? ...Please tell me that you know what's going on.

Siegbert: Don't hold out on us, Luna.

Luna: If I had to guess, I would say they are more of the invisible soldiers. Granted, I can't say for sure, but perhaps Velouria or Owen can confirm it.

Velouria: Luna's right. Something is going on, and I don't think it's anything good.

Ignatius: Damn it! Soleil, did you curse us by bringing up the concept that something bad could happen?!

Owen: This would have taken place regardless of what we tried to do.

Percy: What should we do about it? 

Siegbert: We have no choice. We must all draw our blades and prepare to fight once again. We can't let them succeed!

Soleil: Alright then! Let's get right down to business! I hope they like my smile, because that will be the last thing they ever see before going to whatever afterlife exists for spirit soldiers.

Percy: I'm not sure what they want from Palace Syrene, but they won't be getting it.

Luna: Not on our watch... Be prepared. We don't know what they have waiting for us.

Owen: There's a chance they've already taken over the place and are trying to get inside... 

Velouria: Let's hope that's not the case. Breaking in will be such a pain in the neck to deal with.

Ignatius: Alright... We have this under control. I hope we'll be alright... I have a bad feeling about this, but... We'll be fine! Positive thinking is key, right?

Soleil: We got this! No need to worry at all!

Siegbert: Warriors of Nohr... The time has come for us to fight!

(The battle begins. It is set outside Palace Syrene with the enemy forces attempting to breach the building. However, the palace is locked tight and cannot be broken into. The objective is to rout the enemy and have all units break through the entrance to the palace, which will only open after the enemy has all been defeated.)

(After the battle, the children all stand together in the entrance area of Palace Syrene.)

Siegbert: We won... This place is ours.

Luna: Miraculous, truly...

Owen: We should look around and make sure we're secure.

Velouria: If anyone is hiding out here, we'll find them.

Soleil: This place seems oddly clean, I have to say. I didn't see this one coming.

Percy: Perhaps the goddess Yugare decided to prepare it for our arrival.

Ignatius: I-I don't know if that's such a safe bet to make...

Siegbert: Something must be going on here, though I have no idea what it could possibly be.

Soleil: Wait... I just heard something. What if there are people in here after all?

Ignatius: Oh, no... I was hoping this wasn't the case, but I guess luck wasn't on our side this time!

Percy: Don't worry about it! If they're more invisible soldiers, we'll take care of them without any issues. I'm sure of it.

Luna: Velouria, Owen... What is it?

Velouria: I... I smell something familiar... 

Owen: It isn't the invisible soldiers... It's something else.

(The scene fades to black as the children journey deeper into Palace Syrene to try and figure out what has happened to the building since the last report they heard.)


Big yeet it's 2 AM


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