(HF) Chapter Eight: Reunion by Dusk

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(The chapter opens to show Kiragi and Kanaya's group walking through Hoshido. The sun is setting behind them, and they are all clearly exhausted.)

Kanaya: We've been at this for ages... 

Kiragi: We have to be getting closer, right?

Hisame: Even so, I don't think it would be a good idea to continue on like this.

Brand: We won't be able to defend ourselves if we're all exhausted. 

Mitama: I barely feel as if I can raise a pen, let alone a staff or other type of weapon... 

Sumiko: Perhaps we should stop for the night... We can pick up our travels in the morning after we've rested for a little while.

Selkie: Let's go and hide in those trees over there. They'll hide us from any enemy soldiers that might come looking around.

Kiragi: Actually, I don't think hiding from enemy soldiers will be much of an issue...! 

Brand: What makes you say that?

Mitama: They've already spotted us! 

Kanaya: Let's get out of here then!

Hisame: I don't think that's going to be happening either... We're surrounded. Damn it!

Sumiko: Then... All we can do is try to break through and escape, right?

Selkie: It's time to play... We are the predators, and they are the prey!

Kiragi: There are so many more of them than there were before... 

Kanaya: I have a bad feeling about this... 

Sumiko: We have to win! We... We have to... 

Selkie: And we will! Promise!

Brand: Be careful not to get hurt, everyone!

Hisame: There's not a moment to waste.

Mitama: May Akiri watch over us... 

(The battle begins. Your units are centered in the middle of a lot of forest terrain while enemy units come from all sides, respawning often. They aren't too particularly strong, but there are a lot of them. All is normal in the fight up until the end of turn three. Shiro, Asugi, Midori, Caeldori, Rhajat, Galatea, and Tempest appear at the bottom of the map. As soon as they appear, the respawns stop.)

Shiro: Damn, of course we run into them... 

Asugi: I wouldn't be so sure that it's just invisible soldiers, Shiro.

Midori: Look! That's Hisame! And Mitama!

Galatea: In fact, all of the other children are there!

Caeldori: They're in danger. We have to break through and rescue them!

Rhajat: These beasts are going to feel my wrath... 

Tempest: The battle awaits.

(After all the enemies on the map have been defeated, the two groups of children stand together.)

Kiragi: Shiro! You're alright!

Shiro: I'm glad to see you're all still alive... But what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your parents?

Mitama: I'm afraid that we were driven away due to an invasion of invisible soldiers.

Hisame: We aren't even sure if they still draw breath.

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