They Make You Blush

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It was early in the night in the mountains. Tanjiro and the others had decided to visit Urokodaki for a few days, and the old man graciously allowed them to stay with him. After the futons were all set up, you and Tanjiro decided to go out to look at the stars.

Tanjiro glanced over, watching your face light up in awe at the constellations appearing in the darkening sky. Your eyes were a brilliant (e/c), even more beautiful in the twilight. His heart warmed. You were a great ally and a friend; how had he gotten so lucky to find you?

"Hey (y/n), I never noticed what a pretty color your eyes are."

You startled a little at his sudden voice, but as you looked over, your face began to go red. You blinked, stuttering in surprise. "E-- eh?!"


Nezuko rested her head on your shoulder, fingers carefully interlaced with yours. You were currently reading a book, smiling softly at the presence of the girl. Her lukewarm face pressed against your shoulder, her bubblegum-pink eyes gazing up at you.

When you glanced over at her, she gave you a heart-melting smile, one that made your face go bright red. You rose a hand to your nose in anticipation for a sudden nosebleed.

"Mm?! Mmph mmh!" Nezuko panicked when she saw the heat on your face, and she pressed her hand against your forehead for a moment before hopping up to go run to Tanjiro.

"Wha-- wait, no, Nezuko-chan, I'm fine!--" You called after her, setting the book down to rush after her.


"Well? How do I look?" You asked, doing a gentle turn before the stunned blond.

Zenitsu couldn't take his eyes away from your form, so beautifully draped in a (f/c) kimono. Your hair was pinned back with a butterfly pin, and your face had been done up with light powder and lipstick.

"If the gods ever made anything more beautiful than you, surely they kept it to themselves." He breathed softly.

"... Wh-- Wha?" Your face burned bright red under the makeup at his sudden admission.


You sighed quietly as you rested in the hot spring, the water relaxing your muscles. You'd been through a rough fight today, and you had really needed this.

Tanjiro had promised that the boys would be going to another pool to respect your privacy (although Zenitsu had protested somewhat), so you were alone with Nezuko in the pool, the girl up to her chin in the water.

A sudden rustling snapped you out of your daydreaming, and when you turned your head you saw Inosuke rushing into the area, boar mask on as usual, but with only a towel around his waist.

"Oi (mispronounced name)! Have you seen Tamshiro anywhere?" He bellowed, not even giving your form a second glance.

"IIiiiyaaa! Inosuke, please don't just walk up on us while we're naked!" You squealed, dipping your top half below the water, your face bright red.


Giyuu sat before you reading, just as handsome as he always was. His deep blue eyes scanned the page nonchalantly.

You were lucky to have some time to sit with him this evening, as he was visiting your family after a mission. He had allowed you to spend some time with him in his given room reading and talking, although you both settled into a comfortable silence a few minutes in.

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