If You Drew Them

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REQUESTED BY: Piggyevething_1368

A/N: This is assuming that you have pretty good skills in art, so no horrible art-shaming here.



He glances over at what you're doing and smiles, complimenting it. He's so touched that you thought to draw him that he honestly doesn't care about what quality it is; he's still treasuring it when you finish it and gift it to him. If anyone dares diss your art to his face, he pulls out the drawing and yells at them about how great you are.


Nezuko is fascinated with how you make her look in your art. She loves sitting next to you and watching you sketch for hours, and every time you finish a piece she gets excited and shows it off to the others if they come by. She keeps every single drawing you give her and takes them out to look at a lot.


Zenitsu is absolutely your biggest cheerleader. He's convinced that you can't make a horrible drawing, least of all of him, and everything you give him is automatically stamped as a masterpiece. He's incredibly protective of them and will screech at anyone who tries to take them or sneak a peek (of course the others in the squad get viewing rights).


At first he doesn't know what you're doing and looks over in confusion. But when you explain the concept of art to him, he slowly gets a habit of watching you whenever you start drawing something. Sometimes he'll ask to draw too, so you give him some spare paper and humor him when he shows you poorly-drawn pictures of you and the team. When you give him a drawing he keeps it proudly, folded neatly in the pocket of his pants. Whenever he misses you he takes out your drawings and looks at them.


Giyuu is embarrassed whenever you draw him because you manage to capture his profile so well -- but he'd never say it to your face. He loves watching you work, so usually the pictures you draw of him are of him looking towards the viewer. He never throws out a single drawing, whether it's a quick sketch or a time-intensive painting. Some may call it vain, but he appreciates looking at the way you view him through your art.


Kyojuro is proud of the fact that you're a hobbyist artist and will often pull poses for you to emulate, whether silly or just average. His favorite ones are the ones you draw of you both, as he thinks you manage to capture your own beauty better than he ever could on paper. Senjuro is also another candidate, and in the rare occurrence that you draw his father those usually end up in the hoard too (although it amazes him how you manage to make him look calm instead of grumpy).


When he first caught you drawing him, he was surprised, but flattered. He usually likes to rest against you and prop his chin up on your shoulder, watching as you work. He keeps a majority of the drawings that you make.


She's extremely flattered that you draw her, and although she teases you for your hobby she's careful to keep it light. She loves watching you work in her downtime, and will help you out with any difficult poses. Usually your drawing attracts the triplets, who end up drawing with you. Shinobu and Aoi keep them pinned up on the wall, much to your embarrassment at having your art on display.


Gyomei is happy that you have such a constructive stress-relieving hobby and will often indulge you if you want to draw him. He's always quick to reassure you that your drawings are good, even if you think some of them are trash. He keeps every single one that you give him and uses them as reminders that his life is heading in a better direction.


At first he's embarrassed. He sees you drawing him one day and bluntly says "I don't look like that, I'm way more muscled" before walking off so that you can't see his red face. But soon he comes back almost shyly and peeps over your shoulder at your work and mumbles a "good job" to you. He won't ever admit it, but he's proud that you like to draw him.


He's flattered, but confused. Why would you want to draw him? He's content to sit with you though, glancing over to see how your art is progressing every so often. He always compliments you, telling you that he loves your work and will cherish it. (He really does. Every piece of art you make is pinned up in his meditation room at your house.)


Douma is flattered; of course you'd want to draw him, he's divine after all! He may suggest different poses and outfits for you to draw him in and altogether is a total diva for a muse. He keeps every drawing you give him of himself, the gesture more touching to him than you know.


Kokushibo is at first surprised. "Why?" he'd ask in genuine confusion. "What purpose does that have?" but he's ambivalent about it anyways. Whenever you draw him, he sometimes looks over to inspect the picture. It amazes him every time about the level of detail you give him on paper. If you give him some, he keeps them as mementos, carefully folded and carried in a pouch with his other special keepsake wrapped in cloth.


Muzan is flattered that you draw him and asks to see your art to see if it's accurate. He inspects every drawing you make and gives you pointers for the future, even offering to give you reference material. Sometimes he uses them in his studies, mapping out his strengths and weaknesses using your diagrams.


He's totally shy about it when he sees you drawing him for the first time, but curiosity makes him stay to watch you work. He doesn't mind it when you draw him; he actually likes when he can have some of your artwork. He considers them precious pieces of you to keep with him (and takes them out sometimes just to admire the work).

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