Chapter 203

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       The next day, the group woke up to Cedric finishing his meditation, he provided the group with the usual meal of magical berries and water.

       Cedric transformed the group into the massive eagles as usual. Then, they set out over the ebony ocean of corrosive acid.

       As time passed, the gray landmass behind them grew smaller and smaller behind them. After around five hours, it vanished entirely, leaving the group completely alone over the deadly ocean.

       Their eagle forms, despite being resilient, did have limits. Around the ten hour mark, the group began to feel their forms becoming tired of the constant flight.

       However, disaster struck, as in the distance, a shape surged towards them. They all froze and flew around one another, hundreds of feet above the ebony ocean. Cedric didn't have enough magic to do this again, so the moment that one of them dropped their forms, there was no going back. There was no way to rest over the acidic ocean either.

       Then, one of the eagles flashed with emerald light, and Ara' Sei had been the one to transform. She spread her angelic wings wide and flew above the ocean.

       "All of you, just stay in the air, and don't die! Maybe strike this thing from time to time but try to stay in your own form! I'll use my magic to bring it down!" Ara' Sei explained quickly.

       All of the other eagles around her took evasive maneuvers. The dragon flying towards her was smaller than the others they had faced, but still terrifyingly large in comparison to Ara' Sei.

       But, she let the light flow into her arm, using her necklace to focus the surging power. Then, a beam emerged from her arm and fired at the dragon.

       A roar resonated from the beam and a white flash illuminated the ebony ocean with dazzling glare. However, a part of the beam reflected off the dragon's scales. Despite this, the dragon roared with pain as a hole was burnt into its pristine black scales.

       Then, from the dragon's mouth, a flash of purple light was emitted. Black crystals spread along Ara' Sei's body, but her divine nature made it easier to shrug off the effect. She appeared relatively unharmed from the attack.

       Then, in their eagle forms, Ara' Sei's allies swooped down and struck the dragon before flying away with all their speed. However, the dragon's scales were thick, and it was difficult to leave a mark upon the dragon. However, the dragon seemed far less worried about the eagles as it did about Ara' Sei.

       The dragon tried to aim for Ara' Sei's wings with its talons, only to find the wings were spectral in nature. The jaws lunged for Ara' Sei, and they managed to clamp around one of her arms. Ara' Sei heard a crack from one of her arms. Then, the dragon's other talons lashed outwards towards her.

       She cried out as her stomach was lacerated. Blood was sent flying into the ebony ocean below and Ara' Sei was sent flying back in midair.

       However, Ara' Sei focused, and let the light flow into her arm. Another beam was sent outwards at the dragon. The dragon roared in pain again as the beam struck its shoulder. Ara' Sei flew back away from the dragon.

       Ara' Sei's friends continued their assault. However, as before, they were having difficulty having any real effect on the dragon. Thankfully, the dragon didn't seem intelligent enough to know the nature of the spell on them.

       However, it didn't change the fact that the worse case scenario had begun to play out. 

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