Chapter 245

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       Cedric held his hands out and muttered an incantation. His words became mist on the wind from the chill that surrounded him. Then, with a series of emerald colored flashes of light, the group was transformed into massive, majestic eagles.

       The group flew above the treetops, and they saw the sight of Erathir about a mile in the distance. The city was massive, just as massive as Point Sathus. Within the sea of short buildings were massive monoliths of metal, whose smoke stacks pierced high into the sky, and let out dark colored smoke. Currently, it was covered with a thin layer of snow, and so it was mostly white pierced with brown and gray streets.

       However, the group hadn't set their sights on Erathir, at least not at the moment.

       Instead, Cedric searched for any sign of footprints from the sky. He also looked for charred remains of fires, or magically shaped branches, which he knew Varhine was capable of.

       Within the hour, he saw the charred remains of a massive bonfire. He curved into a dive towards the clearing, and the group of eagles behind him followed. Once they landed, they all transformed back to their normal forms.

       Cedric's eyes once again darted everywhere, looking for footprints leading away. Within moments, he found them.

       In a run, he followed them, and the group tried their best to follow behind them.

       In minutes, Cedric could see figures ahead, figures that stopped to look back at him.

       Soon, everyone had caught up to Cedric. The group of figures all wore green cloaks, some of them carried gnarled wooden staffs.

       "Cedric? Why are you here?" Varhine asked as she cleared through the crowd, using her staff to help her walk. She looked just as she did before, but her hair was covered with bits of snow.

       "Sorry to break your schedule Varhine, but we needed to talk. It's urgent." Cedric explained.

       "How urgent? Is the dragon back?" Varhine asked.

       "Well... uh..." Cedric started. Ara' Sei stepped forward.

       "There are dragons involved, just not the one we killed. There's a small army of dragons all led by one powerful mage. They've already destroyed Point Sathus, we're trying to stop them. Cedric led us to you, and he speaks highly of your capabilities." Ara' Sei explained.

       "Is this crazy talk true, Cedric?" Varhine asked.

       "Yes." Cedric said. The group of people behind Varhine glanced at each other with wide eyes. Varhine glanced at each member of the group.

       "Oh dear, well, I'm helping you! I'm not letting a bunch of crazy lizards the whole damned world down. Tresai, you lead the group while I go help these idiots save the world, okay?" Varhine asked. One of the figures nodded and the rest of the figures travelled off.

       "Alright, I assume you all have some plan against a whole army of dragons, right?" Varhine asked.

      "Currently, we're just trying to gather as many allies as we can." Ara' Sei said.

       "Sounds good, but this group is still no match for an army of dragons, we may need a more powerful institution on our side." Varhine said.

       "So, something we could find in Erathir?" Brie asked.

       "That's a very good place to start. Let's hope someone in that city cares about someone other than themselves. Anyways, you all lead the way." Varhine said.

       "In that case, our next stop is Erathir." Ara' Sei said. The group began their trek back towards the city, now that they had Varhine on their side. 

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