Chapter 291

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       Hugs were exchanged. Ara' Sei explained what had happened in the other's absence. Brie gladly recounted the experience of finding Auracordius, and thanked him for making it easier.

       But after pleasantries were exchanged, Auracordius approached Zerai.

       "Hello, Zerai, I would like to talk to you." Auracordius said. At this point, he had transformed into his human form.

       "Oh, alright, any reason?" Zerai asked. But, it didn't take Zerai much time to notice the fantastic golden color of Auracordius' eyes.

       "Your friends have also seen the resemblance. There are... a few things I want to ask of you, and a few things I want to tell you." Auracordius said.

       "Okay, go ahead." Zerai said with a smile.

       "First off, this isn't the first time we've met. We have met before, only then you were far more desperate than you were now, and far more miserable." Auracordius observed.

       "Wait, were you..." Zerai started.

       "As you've seen, I can shift forms. It's how I've gotten out of my little valley up North without drawing much attention in the past. I can touch the dreams of others. Yours was beaten, brutalized, weakened, but even as you faded it still shone there. I have connections to some higher powers. After you died, I met you, and you wanted a second chance, to use your new life to end the practice that had ruined your previous one. So, might I ask, how's that been going?" Auracordius asked.

       "I'll admit, until the others showed up, I wasn't able to do much. I kind of stopped the slaver's guild in Duskholme, at least for a time. We blew up their ships, killed their leader, and destroyed their armory. Then, we had to leave to follow one of the visions Ara' Sei used to have. Since then, I've been rather busy." Zerai explained.

       "Ah, I see." Auracordius said.

       "I wanted to start on that when this fight with Ara' Carus was over. Ara' Sei said she wanted to help me, and, I'm very glad, honestly." Zerai said with a laugh.

       "Alright, I'm glad to see you haven't lost your way." Auracordius said.

       "T-Thank you... for helping to give me a second chance, and for giving me this power to do so. I would never have any life to look back on if it weren't for you." Zerai said, his golden eyes shimmering with tears.

       "Aww, come here." Auracordius said, before scooping Zerai in an embrace. The two stood there for a moment, the only sounds being noises in the distance and the waves crashing against the beach.

       "Now, don't get too choked up, we've got a battle to fight, to save Norda." Auracordius said.

       "Yeah, don't worry, I'll mostly do a good job fighting." Zerai said.

       "I'm sure you've noticed it by now, right?" Auracordius asked.

       "Noticed what?" Zerai asked.

       "Your power has never been the strongest on its own. It was always stronger with others. That is how I intended it to be." Auracordius said. He left Zerai a moment to think about what he had said, and to regain his composure for the undoubtedly approaching battle. 

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