Chapter 296

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       "Wait, are we supposed to be attacking the dragon's wings!?" Ella asked loudly.

       "It's a far more efficient way of dealing with them!" Brie shouted in reply. Ella shrugged her shoulders and began flying towards the dragon ahead.

       But, Zerai was already on it. He once again flew forwards, going for the dragon's wings specifically. He began hyperventilating as he vaguely noticed more dragons approaching, but he still remained focused on the current task at hand.

       However, as he went in, it appeared this dragon had observed him, and its jaws snapped at him, forcing him back. He only managed to get one, mediocre hit in.

       However, as Eris rapidly flew back in, they carved a crackling blue glyph, and from above, a lightning bolt was unleashed upon the dragon. With all the precision they could muster, the bolt sailed towards the wing joint of the dragon. The dragon roared furiously as its vulnerable wing shoulder was struck again.

       Brie smiled as she saw Eris joining the battle once again. Seeing the battered base of the wing, she once again began carving her simple, pale blue glyph. A ray of pale blue light struck the winged shoulder, covering in ice crystals.

       The same events as before played out once again. The dragon's wing snapped off, the dragon roared furiously, then it began to plummet towards the sea.

       Then, everyone's attention was drawn to the form of Ara' Carus, who sat upon her massive dragon. Her arm crackled with electricity, and a massive bolt of lightning lunged towards Zerai.

       He cried out in pain as it struck him, but then, the lightning pulsed, and three new bolts lunged towards Brie, Roya, and Varhine.

       Roya groaned as they were struck by the violet lightning. With an emerald flash, Varhine was violently thrust back into her human form.

       Brie cried out in pain, but she managed to reach her hand out towards the two, falling people. With a shimmer around her hand, the rate of Roya and Varhine's descent towards the sea below was slowed significantly.

       Auracordius began flying directly upwards, his mouth glowing with energy. Then, golden mist emerged from his mouth, encircling three rapidly approaching dragons. The flight of two of the dragons slowed, and their jaws slacked open. Despite their massive size they appeared to be more feeble than they were before.

       Aiyoshar began flying downwards towards Roya and Varhine atop his pegasus. With one hand he gripped the pegasus and with the other he clasped the symbol of Solan around his chest.

       "Oh glorious sun! I ask of you to mend my allies!" Aiyoshar shouted. Roya and Varhine glowed with sunlight. The wounds from the lightning began to mend over.

       Roya placed their hands on themself, and they continued to glow with sunlight. They looked to Varhine, who then flashed with emerald light, transforming back into a large eagle and intercepting Roya's fall.

       Brie was looking down at the events transpiring below, then, her eyes flicked towards the dragons in head, just to see a flaming spear hurtling towards her from Ara' Carus' hand.

       Brie threw her hand up, and a glowing blue forcefield surrounded her. The flaming spear impacted the forcefield, but it was dispersed upon impact.

       Ara' Sei let fire flow through her arm, and flame flew towards one of the feebled dragons. But, it bounced harmlessly off the dragon's scales. Then, Ara' Sei muttered a word beneath her breath, and Eris' body was once again flooded with pale light.

       Brie's eyes were locked on Ara' Carus, who flung another flaming spear in Brie's direction.

       The flaming spear impacted the shield, but it shattered through!

       Brie was slammed by searing pain, but it wasn't clear for her what happened next.

       She was flung off of Auracordius' back by the impact, and she began to fall towards the ocean below. 

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