Chapter 246

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       The closer the group got to the city, the easier it was for Cedric to navigate. The group travelled through the snow covered forest with ease, and the sounds of Erathir became increasingly loud.

       Then, the group came upon the thirty foot wall that surrounded the city. Following the wall, the group made it to the entrance of the city.

       The gates of the city were open, and Ara' Sei took the lead in the group. Cedric pulled his cloak over his head.

       Ara' Sei was able to convince the guards to let the group in by saying that they needed to meet someone within the city.

       Then, the group was let in.

       The smell of smoke drifted faintly upon the air. Unlike Point Sathun, the buildings were short and all looked uniform. The snow mixed with the mud in some of the streets, forming sludge across the ground that everyone tried to avoid.

       Zerai was given a few odd looks from some of the locals. Ara' Sei began to realize the reason for Cedric's discomfort.

       The city was oddly devoid of any other race than humans. Almost every single person was human, and the group looked strange and out of place.

       Cedric was able to navigate the group with the city, but he kept his head down the entire way through.

       However, Aiyoshar was given by far the most looks. Some looked to be outright hostile. People would gawk at his tail, and at the horns from his head. He didn't seem to pay much mind, and his position of power was clear from the insignia of his robe.

       Cedric searched for any inn that he could find, and within thirty minutes, he had found one. But, the whole time, he was wildly glancing around.

       As the group went in, the barkeep immediately took a step back. Many of the tavern's patrons looked over.

       Ara' Sei stepped forward towards the barkeep.

       "Hello, we'd like to book..." Ara' Sei began, glancing behind her at the eight other people with her.

       "Four rooms, for two nights." Ara' Sei said. The barkeeper was a human man with brown hair and pale skin.

       "Are you a girl?" The barkeeper asked. Ara' Sei took a deep breath.

       "How much is it for four rooms, for two nights?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "For you lot, twenty gold." Ara' Sei blinked several times and took a long look at the man.

       "Alright, let's get out here." Cedric whispered to Ara' Sei. Ara' Sei began leading the group out, and she could faintly hear a sigh of relief from the barkeeper behind her.

       "Varhine, is anyone going to be useful in this city?" Ara' Sei asked bluntly. Varhine chuckled.

       "Have to try, unless you're comfortable facing that army with just nine people." Varhine said.

       Ara' Sei let Cedric take the lead, and the search for an inn continued.

       After several similar attempts, the group finally found an inn willing to accommodate them normally.

       Ara' Sei and Zerai shared the room, as they usually did. Ara' Sei looked out the window at the street.

       "Goodness I hate this place." Ara' Sei said.

       "Tell me about it, this is where I spent part of my first life." Zerai said.

       "I'm. I'm sorry we have to come back here." Ara' Sei said.

       "It's fine, it's easier to deal with now. But yeah, this place has always been like this." Zerai said.

       "It looks miserable even for the people who don't have to deal with... that. Why does no one change it?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Same reason many things don't change. Someone powerful doesn't want to see them go." Zerai said.

       "Zerai, you know a lot about these things. What do you think the solution would be?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "A lot of time, a lot of effort. You remember what we did, all the way back in Duskholme. It starts with things like that. But, it doesn't stop there. When this whole Ara' Carus deal is sorted out, I want to do that, I want to try and fix things." Zerai explained.

       "I'll help you, every step of the way." Ara' Sei said. Zerai smiled.

       "Thank you." He said.

       "Alright, goodnight." Ara' Sei said, standing on her toes to kiss Zerai's forehead. Then, the two went to separate beds, as the beds here were too small to share.

       Everyone, in their own various ways, prepared for their next day in Erathir. 

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