Chapter 290

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       Hundreds of miles North, where it was still cold enough to need a fire at night, light began to touch the sky. Auracordius was the first awake, and he roused the others quickly. Varhine gave them all food in the form of magical berries. Strangely, Auracordius delighted in eating the various golden trinkets that Aiyoshar had on him.

       However, as the sky began to grow brighter, Auracordius transformed back into his massive, majestic dragon form.

       The group set out, and as the flew, the sun rose over the Eastern horizon, which was away from the sea to the west. The clouds were painted in pastel pink, orange, and yellow colors for a time, and the group reveled in the glory of the morning sky. But, as the sun began to rise, the group continued onwards, and soon the sun became a nuisance.

       The day passed, and Brie marvelled in the path that the sun took overhead. From high above, it was clearly visible.

       The group flew across all manner of landscapes normal in central Norda. Sometimes, they passed over mostly dead grassland. Sometimes they passed over tall, coastal hills still shrouded in mist. Other times, they passed over beaches and rocky coastline woven together.

       As the sun began to set again, the group took a short break. They watched the sun as it disappeared to the sea that dominated the Western horizon.

       "Tomorrow afternoon I think. That's when we'll make it to the Northern Shore." Auracordius said.

       "That soon? You really are a fast flier." Varhine said. Auracordius smiled. Then, he stood up, and the group's short break had already ended.

       They flew through the night, all of the people atop Auracordius' back marveled at the night sky above.

       Once again, Brie was unsure of how she was more tired than Auracordius, when he was the one that was actually flying. After an hour of trying to figure it out, she merely just decided that being a dragon had its perks.

       The only sound was air moving past them as they flew. It was a drawn out, agonizing silence before the battle that lay ahead. All of them could only hope they had enough energy to fight by the time they got there.

       About an hour and a half after sunrise, the group passed over Fort Ao. It was a tiny port, and it was indeed secure. Despite being a small town, it had unusually high walls.

       "Can you believe that this entire town was built as a defensive port during the war?" Brie asked.

       "I can, people do silly things in wars, they're so over the top during them." Varhine observed.

       As the sun moved across the sky, the group continued moving forward.

       Then, the coast became clear in the distance, the northern shore of the Theirin bay. The coastline rapidly changed to a Southeastern direction. As they got closer, Roya's eyes widened.

       "Wait, I think I see them!" They declared, pointing downward at a small congregation of figures on the beach. Auracordius flew down towards the beach.

       Cedric pointed at the approaching gold dragon, and Ara' Sei smiled.

       "Looks like they had more success than we did, thankfully." 

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