Chapter 286

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       "So, let me get this straight. Someone talked to you in your dreams, who looked kind of like Zerai, who seemed to know him as well. This person said that you would encounter a gold dragon soon?" Aiyoshar clarified.

       "Yup." Brie replied. Aiyoshar cocked his head.

       "I dunno, that just seems... kind of weird." Aiyoshar said.

       "I've been thinking about it, and I think I may have an answer." Varhine said.

       "What is it?" Roya asked.

       "In the stories I heard of them, a gold dragon's magic was intertwined with dreams. They have the ability to banish people to other dream-like realms." Varhine explained.

       "So, what are you proposing?" Brie asked.

       "I think she's proposing that the man talking to you in your dream was a gold dragon." An unfamiliar voice said.

       The entire group spun around in panic. Roya got their mace out, a flame appeared above Varhine's hand, Brie's fingertip began to glow as she prepared to draw a glyph upon the air.

       Standing there was a man with blonde hair, striking golden eyes, and pale skin. He wore commoner's clothing, but it appeared cleaner, as if it were brand new. All of it was dull, brown colors.

       "Wait, you're the man-" Brie started.

       "From your dream, yes." The man said.

       "But, you're not a gold dragon." Aiyoshar said.

       "And what makes you think that?" The man said. Then, his whole body began to shimmer, and golden light overtook everyone's vision. Brie had to cover her eyes from the sheer brightness of the light.

       Then, the light faded, and the clearing was just as it was before.

       Only now, there was a dragon with gleaming golden scales whose shoulders were about twelve feet in the air. The neck stretched far higher, almost into the treetops. It was far larger than most of Ara' Carus' shadowy dragons.

       "Wait? We've found a gold dragon? Goodness, we're the first people to see one in centuries." Varhine said.

       "I do a good job of staying hidden." The dragon said. Its voice was far louder and powerful.

       "So umm, where are we?" Brie asked.

       "You're in a valley in the Northern mountains, surrounded by high mountain peaks that block out any unwanted attention. If I don't want someone here, they don't usually make it here. And even if I'm fine with it, it's almost impossible to find without flight." The dragon said.

       "Then, how did I find it in a blizzard?" Brie asked.

       "You're a diviner, you get little bits of the future within your dreams. Well, I just so happen to be very good when it comes to manipulating dreams. So, I just placed hints within them. I haven't had visitors in a while." The dragon said.

       "Okay, well uh, nice to meet you, I'm Brie as you already know. What's your name?" Brie said.

       "My name? It's a very long, complicated word in Draconic and I could barely withhold laughter whenever people tried to say it. Just call me Auracordius for short." The dragon said.

       "Alright, well, I'm... not much of a conversationalist. Look, people are dying, Ara' Carus is free, we need your help to fight her and her army of dragons. Can you do that?" Brie asked.

       "Yes, I will go with you. But might I ask, where are we going?" Auracordius said.

       "Oh, oh dear I haven't contacted them at all! But, I have the spell ready!" Brie said. Then, she took a deep breath.

       Not far outside Aaronsworth, Ara' Sei heard a message.

       "We found a gold dragon! He's willing to come and help. But, where are you guys? Has anything happened?" Brie asked

       After a few moments, Brie stood up as she heard Ara' Sei's response.

       "Great! We're near Fort Ao, Aaronworth is gone. There's a few more than ten dragons left. Feeling strong enough to take them." Ara' Sei said.

       Brie nodded.

       "They're somewhere around Fort Ao. But, that's about five hundred miles if I'm not being mistaken." Brie said.

       "Not to worry, I'm a fast flier. Well, we clearly don't have much time, we'd best get going." Auracordius said.

       Auracordius lowered their sail-like wings that ran from their shoulders all the way done their body towards their tail. Then, once everyone was on, he got a running start towards the water, leapt, and began to fly.

       He didn't fly like any other dragon that Brie had seen. His wings that ran down his body moved in a wave-like fashion. The vibrant, golden colors sent light scattering across the mirror lake below.

       Now, everyone got a better view of the valley.

       The valley was small, and filled with the same, lush green forest that was merely dotted by reds, yellows, and oranges. A massive lake ran down the center of the valley, snaking through groves of trees. Opalescent mist hung around the water's edge, giving the whole already unbelievable place a strange touch.

       As Auracordius had said, the valley was surrounded by walls of impressively massive mountains. Each peak was topped with snow. As the group drew further and further away, it was a miracle that anyone would ever be able to find it.

       Brie smiled, knowing that the group had acquired an incredibly powerful ally. 

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