Chapter 224

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       Brie and Eris went to the arcane library together. At the front gate, Brie said she needed to do research regarding historical archmages with the help of her friend, and then the two were let in.

      Brie and Eris spent the next few hours meticulously looking through the library. They would use their magic to pick books off the highest shelves to inspect them.

       However, hours passed of exhausting searching, and none of them could find anything about a figure known as Ara' Carus.

       That was when Brie was positive, either Ara' Carus' name wasn't in this library at all, or it was hidden within the locked away Restricted Section.

       The two went back to the inn by evening, and everyone was once again gathered in Brie and Ella's room.

       "We found nothing, which means we're going tomorrow into the Arcane Library, any last minute changes anyone needs to make to the plan?" Brie asked.

       "Actually, I can turn one other person into a small animal, even after I've used the powerful one that transforms all of us. This means I could transform either Ara' Sei or Zerai, and Eris could focus on keeping themself invisible instead." Cedric explained.

        "Okay, I think Zerai should be the one who's transformed into an animal. If I'm caught, I have magic that'll get me out there just fine." Ara' Sei said.

       "What kind of magic?" Eris asked.

       "I don't understand it fully, but it feels like a little bit of everything." Ara' Sei said.

       "Okay, I'll take your word for it." Eris said.

       "In which case, tomorrow, we need to be ready to sneak in. Me and Cedric will prepare any magic to help us sneak in and out, and Cedric also needs to have a spell ready to disperse the magical barriers guarding the Restricted Section." Brie said.

       "Very well, I'll prepare all of the spells we need to transform into animals as well as some other magic that helps me prepare for stealth.

       That night, Brie flipped through her spellbook, carefully evaluating what she would need for the following day.

       Everyone fell into somewhat restless sleep, trying to relax before the following day commenced.

       The next day, Cedric was up early meditating, and Brie was up early studying her spellbook. Everyone else prepared for the day however they could. However, all of them, despite how nervous they were, knew they were ready.

       Cedric initiated the plan by turning himself, Ara' Sei, Eris, and Zerai into mice. Most of them hid on Ella's person, as she had a massive cloak that they could easily hide within.

       Brie said she needed to continue doing research on historical archmages, as there were many of them, apparently. The group was let in.

       Brie and Ella navigated their way upward, then, once they were confident no one was on the upper level of the building just below the Restricted Section, they all transformed back to their normal forms.

       Brie began casting her spell, and once she was done, Ella assumed her position near the window. Then, everyone else went up the stairs towards the Restricted Section. 

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