Chapter 269

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       Just as afternoon began to shift towards evening, the two slipped into the alleyways, a basket filled with sweet rolls in Eris' hands. Cedric gave Eris his magic, and Eris turned invisible before climbing up the walls of Aaronworth. They easily walked across and crept down the other side.

       After which, slowly made their way away from the town. When they were far past the guards' vision, they dropped the spell, and Cedric transformed back into his normal form.

       Soon, they were able to find the other members of the group.

       "Hello! Wait... Do you have pastries, gimme!" Ella shouted before running over.

       "Was your trip successful?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Yes, hundreds of people saw the message. And, we were able to get sweet rolls. I was originally planning on cupcakes, but they didn't have any." Eris answered.

       Ella grabbed two of the sweet rolls, a wide smile on her face.

       "Thanks!" She said, before walking off.

       "I think it would be wise to move before we enjoy some sweets, we've been in this field for a while and I feel like its farmer will find us any moment now." Ara' Sei said. With that, the group moved towards a more open, less occupied pasture.

       It was a bit further away from the city, but the city was still easy to get to.

       "Alright, this seems like a good spot." Ara' Sei said. The group sat down and ate their sweet rolls. It was definitely a welcome change to magical berries.

       "Are you going to do it again tomorrow?" Zerai asked.

       "We probably should, I feel like it would be more effective if it happened twice in a row." Cedric answered.

       "Yeah, he's probably right, we can do it again tomorrow." Eris said.

       "Just be on the lookout, I'm expecting Ara' Carus to arrive either late tomorrow or early the day after." Ara' Sei said.

       "I dunno, her dragons probably have to rest after the battle." Eris said.

        "True, but they will fly fast, so starting tomorrow, we need to be prepared." Ara' Sei said.

       "Yeah, that's fine." Ella said.

        "Agreed." Zerai added.

       "Okay, for now, just relax before you go to bed." Ara' Sei said. And so, in their own, separate ways, the group began to get settled before they all went to sleep.

         However, Ara' Sei was struggling to sleep, even hours after the sun had set. She decided to get off the bed of grass she had fallen asleep on.

       "Maybe I need another night flight." She whispered to herself. With that, she extended her wings and took off into the clear night sky.

       The moon reflected off the ocean in the distance, and the cool night air washed over Ara' Sei. Some of the lights from the town were still alight, giving parts of Aaronsworth a warm glow.

       "I hope it's not gone soon. But, it probably will be." Ara' Sei said, looking at the town. She looked away from the city in the general direction of Cresselbrooke.

       "I know you're out there, Ara' Carus." She said. She simply took in the ocean, the town, and the serene farmland. She shed a single, shining tear, knowing it would probably be gone, despite her best efforts.

       Then, she flew back down to where the group was sleeping, buried the thoughts away, and slept next to Zerai. She placed his warm arms over him, and they provided a soothing contrast to the cold air.

       "Why can't you sleep like a log, Ara' Sei." She whispered to herself, a smile on her face as she drifted off to sleep. 

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