Chapter 276

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       The three surged towards the oncoming threat. Eris muttered beneath their breath and their body shimmered with blue light.

       Upon receiving a now familiar, strange premonition, Eris struck with their dagger between a dragon's scales, plunging it several inches in before flying away with incredible speed. They saw every strike before it hit, and dodging them was effortless for Eris.

       In his eagle form, Cedric cried out, and with a loud boom a small stormcloud formed above, and a bolt of lightning flew from it at one of the nearby dragons to Cedric. But, for some strange reason, the lightning didn't seem to have any effect on the dragon.

       Ara' Sei let a beacon build within her fingertips, and it flew at the dragon that Cedric had failed to injure. It slammed into the creature's side, leaving a mark against the creature's pristine, jet black scales.

       Ara' Sei fought to stay on Cedric's back as a pair of jaws lunged out towards her. It took everything it had for her not to scream, not to jump off Cedric's back and try to fly away with her own wings. Eris struggled against a similar temptation.

       Eris spun around just in time to see a massive bolt of lightning flying towards them. However, they flew to the side, and the bolt surged past them. High above, Ara' Carus sat atop her dragon. Cedric tried his best to stay as far away from her as possible.

       Eris leapt off a dragon's side, and it spun around to try and meet them. But to Eris' delight, its massive size and physical wings were no match for their magically gifted flight. Then, they plunged their dagger into the same dragon they had before, not quite fast enough to get to the winged shoulder of the dragon.

       "Gotta send this thing falling down." They muttered to themself as they swerved away from a flailing tail.

       Cedric cried out, and Ara' Sei's body glowed with emerald light. She gave a sigh of relief as her open wound from the lunging jaws mended over.

       Cedric accelerated away from the dragons behind, flying just out of range of a bolt of violet lightning. Ara' Sei sent a spear of flame flying at the dragon she had targeted before. It slammed into the dragon, leaving a similar scorch mark to before.

       Eris saw a brief premonition, and they were able to evade the blast of dark energy that flew from Ara' Carus' outstretched hand.

       Eris groaned as a blast of violet mist hit them.

       Thankfully for Ara' Sei, Cedric was flying with incredible speed, and she was far away from any pursuing dragons.

       The dragon that Ara' Carus rode atop began to fly towards Eris. She extended her hand outwards, and from it, a bead of light flew towards Eris. It detonated above them in a violent explosion, scorching them as they flew back just a bit too late.

       But then, they flew towards the dragon that they had attacked before, blood spilling from its neck and back. In the dragon's disorientation, they were able to bring their dagger clean through right where they wing connected to the body. The creature roared in agony as it spiraled downwards, hundreds of feet towards the ground.

       Ara' Sei smiled as she saw the dragon spiraling downwards towards its death.

       "That's one." She whispered. 

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