Chapter 240

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       Ara' Sei flew above the group as they continued their run towards the cathedral. From the air, she was more clearly able to see where the cathedral was.

       She was also able to see the path of destruction the dragons had left in their wake. The burnt and collapsed buildings began at the harbor, and had slowly begun fanning out to the rest of the city. Ara' Sei watched massive, violet swathes of energy engulf the streets from the dragon's mouths. She forced herself to look away and look towards her next objective.

       The group finally reached the cathedral, but the doors were closed. Thankfully, Ella and Zerai broke one of the massive glass windows, and were able to lift their friends through the large gap created in the glass.

       The cathedral itself was deserted. But, the group ran to the back where Aiyoshar had previously led them through a door. After going through the door, they went downwards until they came to a locked door.

       "Aiyoshar, it's us, we're the people who came to you for a resurrection and we're Roya's friends!" Zerai said. After a few moments, the door opened. Aiyoshar, as well as several other figures in robes were hidden within.

       "Are the dragons gone?" Aiyoshar asked. Zerai shook his head.

       "We need your help. We're trying to pick a few of them off so Ara' Carus, their leader, doesn't have as much power to wreak more havoc when she continues travelling." Zerai explained.

       "We're gonna die if we do that." Aiyoshar said.

       "Not with you and me equipped with all the diamonds this place has to offer." Ara' Sei said. Aiyoshar nodded and turned to the other clergy.

       "Will they be able to come with us?" Aiyoshar asked.

       "It would be best if they stayed hidden." Ara' Sei said. The clergy within nodded before closing the door.

       "They can feed themselves with magic. However, we need to get those diamonds, follow me." Aiyoshar said. He led them upwards and to the main chamber of the cathedral. Then, he walked to the other side of the room and opened a door that had been hidden within the stone.

       Inside was a chamber filled with shelves that were loaded with glittering diamonds.

       "Anyone who has any ability to bring people back to life, take them." Aiyoshar said, before beginning to shovel diamonds into a pack he had. Ara' Sei and Zerai also began collecting the diamonds in mass. Soon, each of them had ten diamonds, each able to bring someone back to life.

       Cedric also collected some of the smaller diamonds, which he needed for the spell he had used earlier on Zerai.

       "I got the ones used for more extreme magic with me." Aiyoshar said.

       "What now?" Zerai asked.

       "Now, we try to find a dragon that's alone, and kill it before it can get help." Ara' Sei said.

       Zerai put his hand on himself, and he glowed with golden light as the wounds he sustained from the shadow creatures closed over.

       "Oh, allow me to help with that." Aiyoshar said, placing his hand on Zerai. Zerai glowed with sunlight, and his wounds were further healed. He looked to be in much better condition.

       "Okay, let's go. Aiyoshar, Brie, stay away from the dragon, especially when it uses its breath weapon." Ara' Sei said. Then, the group left the cathedral through the hole in the window.

       In the few minutes the group had taken, the dragons had advanced, and were now terrifyingly close.

       With the help of Zerai and Cedric, everyone had rapidly been transported onto the roof of a three story building, and the destruction was far clearer from there.

       Countless shadow figures were charging through the streets in the distance.

       Soon, the group could see a massive dragon flying towards them.

       "Everyone! Get ready!" Ara' Sei said. 

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