Chapter 273

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       Ara' Sei, Cedric, Ella, Eris, and Zerai, were all gathered in a flat area on the side of the road. A few of them sat on the sparsely grassy ground, while Ella sat on a crooked tree stump.

       "So, it's likely that Ara' Carus will be here tomorrow. I have a plan for how to fight her, but I'm not sure that we alone can save the city. At least, Eris' message seems to be working, I saw ships and wagons leaving the city." Ara' Sei said.

       "When me and Eris were there, many people were openly talking about the strange messages. It's certainly spread, but I'm not sure how many people are actually listening." Cedric said.

       "Whatever the case, we need to try and protect the city as best we can." Ara' Sei replied.

       "So, Ara' Sei, what's your plan?" Eris asked.

       "The plan is, me, Cedric, and you will fight the dragons. Ella and Zerai will stay behind in the city. Zerai will give his flight to himself, Ella, and Eris. I will be on Cedric's back when he shifts into eagle form. Eris, how you fought last time seemed to work very well, so whatever you did last time, do it again. I, on the other hand, wasn't able to fly fast enough, so hopefully I will with Cedric's help." Ara' Sei explained.

       "What will we do if things start to go wrong?" Zerai asked.

       "Then, I suppose just do whatever you can to get to the entrance of the city. If we can all get there, I can teleport us out." Ara' Sei said.

       "Where will you teleport us?" Eris asked.

       "That... I'm not sure. It's easier to teleport to a place I've been to before, and I've never been to Fort Ao." Ara' Sei said.

       "Well, you're teleporting hasn't gone wrong yet, so what could happen?" Ella asked.

       "I mean, I have to aim the teleport, in a way. It's hard to describe, but if I haven't been somewhere before it's very easy for me to miss, and end up getting us somewhere completely different." Ara' Sei explained.

       "Not to mention, it's possible that Ara' Carus goes for Nakash Doer." Zerai suggested.

       "I'm not so sure. Most of it is underground, it's better defended than most of these other cities, and it's almost twice as far as Aaronsworth." Ella said.

       "Well, I suppose we just need to aim for Aaronworth, that seems to be our best shot." Ara' Sei said.

       "I don't know, I really, really don't like how much risk is involved, but it's our best shot." Eris said.

       "I've been to Fort Ao before, so I could teleport us near there, but I would need a tree to do it through." Cedric said.

       "Wait, okay, that's much better than what I had in mind. What if we met at the orchard closest to the city if things go wrong. Cedric said he could use some magic in his eagle form, so if we hurried, we could get there.

       "How will we know if something's wrong?" Ella asked.

       "If something goes wrong on our end, I will send a powerful light as high into the sky as I possibly can. If something goes wrong on your end, I suppose just get to the orchard." Ara' Sei explained.

       "Are there any alternatives to Ara' Sei's plan. After a moment where no one else spoke up.

       "So we're in agreement?" Zerai asked.

       "Not exactly, it's a very, very dangerous plan. The problem is, I don't have any alternative, and it seems like no one else does either. We'll just have to stick with this plan, and hope it works." Eris said.

       "Ara' Sei, what does the plan working look like?" Cedric asked.

       "Three or more dragons being dead, they don't seem to come back after being killed, so they aren't like Ara' Carus." Ara' Sei said.

       "That means, this plan working will bring her down to about fifteen dragons. That's still a lot, I'm not sure one gold dragon can shift that in our favor." Eris said.

       "In that case, let's aim for more than three." Ara' Sei said.

       "Yeah, I suppose that's all we can do." Eris said, sighing loudly.

       "Okay everyone, get ready as well as you possibly can for tomorrow." Ara' Sei said.

       "I dunno, I'll try to send one more message, maybe late tonight. I just want to get as many people out as possible." Eris said.

       "I'll help you. Tonight I'll fly Eris in, and they can send one last message. Eris, try to make this one the most urgent one." Cedric said.

       "I will." Eris promised.

       "Alright, everyone, do your best. Aaronsworth is counting on us." 

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