Chapter 223

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       The party had a pleasant, restful night. The next day, Ella felt slightly better, which showed that she was gradually recovering from her resurrection.

       Brie knocked on everyone's door in the late morning, asking them to meet in her and Ella's room. Soon, everyone had assembled in Brie and Ella's room.

       "Okay, me and Ella need a bit of help with something... that's probably very illegal and risky." Brie said.

       "Okay, whaddya need?" Eris asked.

       "We've done some research in the Arcane Library. We found that during the war between Norda and Sathun one hundred fifty years ago, a plane was formed to which travel was impossible. Ara' Carus said she'd been in there for one hundred fifty years, so the time checks out. Additionally, we believe she may have been involved with starting the war. But for some reason, I couldn't find it in the Historical Figures Section. I suspect that we might find something in the Restricted Section, but there are magical wards on it and no one is allowed in." Brie explained.

       "Can you... explain why you think Ara' Carus started that war." Zerai requested.

       "Villages were being burnt down with no apparent culprit. Also, it's clear that Ara' Carus probably had something to do with the dragons that kept attacking us." Brie said.

       "So you can't confirm it, but you do strongly suspect it." Eris said. Brie nodded.

       "How about this, you and I go there to do research to see if Ara' Carus is mentioned in any other section of the library before going to the Restricted Section. You're sure she'd even be in this library?" Eris asked.

       "Yes, she was locked in a plane to which interplanar travel was completely impossible. She has to have some importance." Brie said.

       "Alright, since you said there are magical wards, how would we get in?" Zerai asked.

       "I'm not sure if all of us could get in. It would be very suspicious if I brought all of you there." Brie said.

       "Also, I'm not sure I should go, I'm still feeling terrible from the resurrection thingy." Ella said.

       "In other words, we would have to sneak in?" Eris asked.

       "It's impossible to jump the fence, it also has powerful arcane wards that would deter you. We wouldn't be able to sneak in." Brie answered.

       "Wait, I have a spell that could turn all of us into animals. What if I turned us all into something small and we hitched a ride on Brie?" Cedric asked.

       "I'm not sure I could hide four of you on me, I'd probably want one person going with me." Brie said.

       "Wait, what if I went with you, but didn't help you all sneak in. I'll just wander around the upper floor and stare out the window. If Brie casts that spell that lets us communicate with our brains, I could let you all know if danger was coming!" Ella said, her eyes lighting up.

       "Okay, that's a good idea. Also, for those of you that don't know, I now have a spell that'll let us all telepathically communicate, I do need a moment to cast it, though." Brie said.

       "Is there a way to cast it faster?" Zerai asked.

       "Yes, but then I could only do it once." Brie answered. Zerai' brow furrowed.

       "Okay, then don't do that. We'll definitely need to have that form of communication." Zerai replied.

       "So, the plan, as far as I'm aware, is to disguise everyone but Brie and Ella as small animals, hide on Ella and Brie, get into the library, go up to the Restricted Section, and then what? What are we going to do about the magical wards?" Eris asked.

       "I have that spell that helps me remove magic." Cedric said.

       "I have it too." Zerai added.

       "Okay, I think that just might be enough. Also, we need to get out of the library unnoticed." Brie said.

       "That's true, I can only turn us all into animals once." Cedric said.

       "I can turn two people invisible for an hour." Eris said.

       "I can turn one person invisible, but it only lasts for a minute." Brie said.

       "I can turn into a small animal on my own." Cedric said.

       "Wait, wouldn't me and Brie not have to sneak out because they would have seen us go in?" Ella asked.

       "Yes, so we only need to hide Ara' Sei, Cedric, Eris, and Zerai." Brie said.

       "Well, Cedric can turn into an animal, I could probably hide Ara' Sei and Zerai, and I'm already very good at sneaking around, you'd only have to turn me invisible when we were actually going out. Honestly, I think a minute is probably enough for me." Eris said.

      "Okay, so we have a full plan, when are we doing this?" Zerai asked.

       "Me and Eris will go in today to do research. If we can't find anything about Ara' Carus then, we'll sneak into the Restricted Section. If we don't find it today, we'll meet again this evening to discuss any changes to the plan." Brie explained.

       "Alright, sounds like a plan to me." Eris said. 

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