Chapter 217

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       Zerai gave Ella the cloak, and together the group went back to the inn. It was clear Ella would take a few days to recover before the group was ready to do anything else.

       That night, Ara' Sei left the inn that the group had rented.

       "I'll be back before long." Ara' Sei said to Ella as she left.

       "Alright." Ella replied.

       Ara' Sei left into the city, bundling herself up in a cloak. Then, she slipped into an alleyway near the edge of the city.

       In the dark, she unfurled her wings and took flight. She flew up over the city walls and out of the city. She heard a single shout from behind her as someone saw a person flying up into the night. Even in the dark of the night, Ara' Sei's wings were a pure white in the moonlight.

       She followed the beach, feeling the wind beneath her wings and hearing the waves crashing below. Soon, she found a small cove tucked away from sight, it was perfect. Ara' Sei sent a few globules of light dancing around the cove, she confirmed that no one was watching.

       Despite being Winter, the temperature drop didn't affect this part of the world, and saw it was a mild, cool night. The waves were small and calm as they crashed against the shore.

       Ara' Sei slipped her cloak off and let it fall to the ground. Then, she took off her boots and set them next to the cloak. Then, she slipped her blouse off, letting the cool, mild wind directly touch her skin. Then, her trousers fell to the ground as well.

       "I can probably get the sand out with magic." Ara' Sei whispered to herself. Then, she slipped off whatever other clothes she was wearing. A shiver went through her as the wind fully embraced her.

       She walked towards the water, when it touched her feet, it was warm, but barely a remnant of the wrath the Boiling Ocean had to offer. She strode deeper into the waves, flinching from the strange cold as she went more than waist deep. Then, she completely submerged herself in the water.

       It was warm, and she settled into it very quickly. As she swam further out the waves bobbed beneath her, falling and rising like the breath within someone's chest. Ara' Sei opened her wings and took off from the water.

       Despite being fully real and material to her, the wings didn't get wet, and any harmful blow against them didn't do any damage. She took off and flew back to the shore.

       She ran into the ankle deep water, kicking and splashing it, relishing in the brief sting as she hit the water. She snapped her fingers and a wave of light emerged from her hands, reflecting vibrantly off the waves and outlining the petite silhouette of her body.

       She let everything that had been held out over the last few days out. Tears poured from her eyes, snot poured from her nose, sobs choked her body so aggressively she convulsed. She laughed and danced and rolled in the sand, coating her wet body with grains of sand.

       She brought her hands apart and all the grains of sand flew off of her in a hail of particles around her. She wiped her nose with her forearm and looked at the pale reflection of the moon in the water.

       She breathed a sigh of relief that it was all behind her now. With a snap of her fingers the droplets of water on her flew off. She squeezed whatever water remained within her long, blonde hair which was now down at her waist.

       "I should get it cut, never had short hair before." Ara' Sei said. She put her clothes back on, and flew back into the city as subtly as she could before rushing back to the inn. She could see a few shady figures glancing at her, but she merely glared back.

       Soon, she was back to the inn, sharing a room with Zerai. Ella had moved into the other room with Brie. She looked at the bed that Zerai slept in, and noticed it was big enough for two people. She tapped Zerai's shoulder softly.

       "Can I join you?" She asked. Zerai's eyes fluttered open, and even in the dim light they were dazzling.

       "Sure." He said.

       So, Ara' Sei slipped into bed, and fell asleep in Zerai's arms. 

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