Chapter 208

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       Everyone took a moment to take in the overwhelming scenery. Then, they all stood up, and gathered around.

       "Okay, what now?" Zerai asked.

       "I could probably help us find something. I have a decently good idea of how to navigate through wilderness." Cedric answered.

       "What should we find?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Any other sentient life." Cedric replied.

       "Seems like a plan to me." Eris commented.

       "Okay, let's go then." Zerai said. Then, the group set off into the tangling forests.

       Lush moss covered the trunks of trees. Saplings, bushes, and grasses covered the forest floor despite the relatively low amount of light that made it there. The canopy high above cast green tinted light over everything. Down on the forest floor, the dimmer light made the glowing pink, purple, and pale flowers even more stunning.

       Cedric had never seen a forest so lush before, and he could barely resist the temptation to look at every strange plant he ended up seeing.

       The unfamiliar nature of the forest made it somewhat difficult to navigate, but the group still pushed through. Soon, they came upon the sound of a river.

       The river itself was filled with rapids and stretched far across. The water was crystal clear, and the group could see glittering river stones within the deep river.

       Cedric transformed into an eagle and transported everyone across one by one. Then, he transformed back and everyone continued their journey.

       "Tomorrow, I'll do my best to be more prepared for a place like this, today I just wasn't." Cedric said.

       The sky turned from sunset colors to a deep blue, upon which stars were scattered. Despite being night it was strangely easy to see with the help of the bright starlight and glowing flowers that dotted the underbrush.

       Everyone was able to find rest that night easily. The temperature didn't drop much as the night went on.

       Then next morning marked the point where there were only four days left to find a way to bring Ella back. Everyone woke up and was soon ready to go.

       Suddenly, the bushes and vines grew with incredible speed and wrapped themselves tightly around the group members.

       Cedric and Zerai were able to resist the vines, but then Cedric saw the figures. There were about six of them, and all held longbows pointed at the party. The figures had blonde, white, and occasionally brown hair. All of them had pointed ears and elegant features.

       Cedric took a deep breath before speaking in a fluid, beautiful tongue. The figures glanced at one another.

       Everyone watched as Cedric and the figures conversed. Eventually, they lowered their longbows.

       "You are all coming with us for interrogation." One of the figures said. He had long, pale hair and pale skin. His eyes were an emerald green color. One of the other figures came up to the group and put restraints on all of them. Everyone watched as twigs grew into wood shaped as handcuffs around all of them. Cedric was the only one who wasn't bound.

       Brie and Eris could immediately tell that these were elves of some kind. The elves led the group through the forest with far greater efficiency than Cedric had the day before. The party crossed streams, meadows, and groves of strange flora of different colors.

       Soon, the group was led through an unbelievably dense section of the forest filled with tangled roots, mysterious mist, and slippery moss.

       Then, the group saw that the elves had led them to their city. The rooms, walkways, and various other buildings had been built into the branches of the trees high above. The trees' canopies were tangled and shaped in extravagant, beautiful ways. Everyone was led up walkways, across bridges, and eventually into a massive tree that was hundreds of feet tall and whose trunk was at least fifty feet in diameter. Within the tree was a massive spiraling staircase that led upwards.

       The group was led up the stairs, and eventually to the top. They entered into a flattened out area that had been seamlessly carved into the tree. All around them, the branches scattered into the larger than life canopy that this section of the forest had. All around this carved area, guards stood with elegantly crafted weapons. Upon a wooden throne sat who the group assumed was the queen.

       The queen had short, pale hair, and skin a brown so dark it was almost black. She wore pale green robes, and atop her head sat a crown of branches and stunning flowers. Butterflies of various impossibly bright colors danced within the queens crown.

       "Welcome to Civ' Arbrus. I am queen Zei' Dahla, ruler of this city, and I wish to speak with you."

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