Chapter 297

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       Ella flew forwards towards one of the feebled dragons with her blade. As she flew past the creature head, she brought her sword through, creating a massive gash in the dragon's face.

       However, she found difficulty hitting the dragon's wing, as it was flying past. She groaned in frustration and flew after the dragon with her blade.

       Cursing under her breath she severed the dragon's wing in a few, rapid strikes with her blade.

       "And stay down!" Ella shouted as the dragon plummeted towards the ocean below.

       Zerai saw Brie begin to plummet, and he dove after her with all his speed. He reached his hand outwards, and Brie glowed with golden light.

       Brie's eyes flashed open, and she realized she was plummeting towards the ocean at an alarming rate.

       Cedric continued to fly forward with Ara' Sei on his back, her arm still glowing with residual flame.

       Eris spun around and dove at the remaining weakened dragon. They groaned as they only landed a glancing hit with their dagger.

       The air around Brie shimmered, and she began to fall slowly. The water wasn't far below her now, and she looked directly upwards. She frowned and looked downwards instead carving a massive, pale blue glyph.

       A globule of pale blue light flew towards the water's surface. As it hit the water's surface, ice crystals rapidly expanded outwards, covering the water in a massive ice flow over a hundred feet across. Brie looked back up to Zerai.

       "You mind helping me up!?" Brie asked. Then, she fell down to the iceberg's level, too far away to help in the raging battle hundreds of feet above.

       Ara' Carus looked towards Ara' Sei and Cedric, and she held her hand outwards. Then, a bead of violet light flew towards them before detonating in a massive explosion that engulfed both of them.

       However, Cedric was able to swerve down away from the explosion's full force, and was thus able to maintain his eagle form.

       Auracordius flew forward, his jaws opening. Then, he clamped them around the base of the weakened dragon's wing, the one that Eris had almost severed off. Then, they pulled, ripping the dragon's wing off. It feebly attempted to claw back, but it was already plummeting towards the ocean below.

       Then, Auracordius was assailed by two dragons. One clamped its jaws onto him and clawed him. The other unleashed a bolt of violet lightning. Auracordius roared in pain, but was able to keep his wings away from the dragons' snapping jaws.

       Atop his pegasus, Aiyoshar flew closer to Roya, and with a muttered prayer, her body glowed with sunlight.

       Then, he looked towards the sun, shining high in the bright sky. He placed his hand over his insignia, and took a deep breath.

       "Oh sun who shines so very bright. Oh blessed maiden of heavens' light. Oh goddess who sets the skies alight. I ask you, to steal their sight!" Aiyoshar shouted.

       The sun itself began to shine with more and more light. Most of the group had to shield their eyes. The dragons of Ara' Carus began to flail and screech. Ara' Carus covered her eyes, screaming in pain.

       Then, the sun faded back to normal, leaving every enemy of the group flailing as the world went white.

       The group smiled, and they began advancing towards the dragons however they could to make the most out of what had just transpired. 

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