Chapter 232

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       Before the sun could even rise on the next day, Brie was already scanning through the spellbooks she had stolen, looking for something she could transcribe.

       That was when she just began hearing the rapid movement.

       Cedric heard it before anyone else did, but he wasn't entirely sure. Soon, it became clear to him what it was.

       "Eris, someone's coming, what should we do?" Cedric asked.

       "Coming, what do you mean?" Eris asked, still groggy.

       "Running towards us." Cedric said with uncertainty. Eris' eyes widened.

       "Turn into an animal." Eris instructed. With an emerald flash, Cedric had transformed into a mouse and took cover in Eris' hood. With a subtle gesture of their fingers, Eris transformed to look like a middle aged woman.

       Ara' Sei was the first in her room to hear the footsteps. She could hear them growing louder and louder, and they were fast too. She glanced around and got out of bed, waking Zerai up. She was able to quickly find her necklace and put it on.

       Back in her room, Brie reacted as quickly as she could. She slammed her books shut, cast a spell to turn invisible, and grabbed all of the books, turning them invisible as well.

       Then, everyone's door was broken down in a flash, and guards rushed in. Ara' Sei, Ella, and Zerai were immediately dragged out of bed.

       The moment Eris realized their disguise wasn't going to work, they switched plans.

       The only way out of the inn room was through the window, and so they dove through. They began to fall, but with a muttered word they teleported part of the way down. They groaned as they landed on their side. Whoever was already out in the street saw them. With an emerald flash, Cedric had transformed back into his normal form.

       He could see the guards up in the window, and he could hear the loud clattering of movement from inside.

       "Don't worry Eris, I can help us get out of here." He said, helping Eris to their feet.

       "How?" They asked.

       "By making it harder to follow us." Cedric said. Then, they brought their hands together and began muttering. Fog began emanating from Cedric's hands, and it completely encircled the whole street. The massive cloud of fog made it almost impossible to see anything. However, Eris could vaguely see an emerald flash, and then they were picked up.

       Within moments, they emerged from the massive globe of fog that had spread in the street. They were in the talons of a massive eagle.

       "Okay, are we going to fly out of the city?" Eris asked. Cedric merely gave a screech in response.

       Back at the inn, Brie also had escape on her mind. She was invisible, and guards had begun crowding the room. Then, she muttered a word beneath her breath. She reappeared on the street outside, but she couldn't see a thing.

       Now that she was out of sight, she remembered something.

       "That spell I copied from the journal!" She whispered excitedly. Brie emerged from the fog cloud as a young, human child with simple clothes and brown hair. Despite this, she still decided to run out of sight, she was carrying the books she had stolen, after all.

       Brie decided what she was doing wasn't working for her and she muttered again once she went into an alleyway. Her appearance morphed again, this time into a short, human, and teenage boy.

       Back in the inn, everyone else's belongings were taken. Ara' Sei, Ella, and Zerai were bound with their hands behind their backs.

       A man wearing bright, fine attire stepped in.

       "Has the stolen property been found?" He asked. One of the guards shook their head.

       "Find it, we can't have those books fall into the wrong hands." 

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