Chapter 265

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       The Northern Woods were covered with almost a full foot of snow. The cold quickly blasted the group, and their breath was visible upon the air. It was slightly later in the day from where they had come from, and the sun reflected brilliantly off of the snow.

       "Okay, where do we go from here?" Brie asked.

       "Well, I have a spell that can turn one person into a massive eagle for an hour. I can also transform into such a creature. There's only four of us, so we should be able to easily fly over the forest, there, I can get a better bearing on our location." Varhine explained.

       "Who are you going to transform?" Brie asked.

       "Probably Roya, they have a lot of armor on them, and it'll be harder for a flying creature to carry them." Varhine answered.

       "Very well." Roya said. Varhine raised her arm towards Roya, and their form flashed with emerald light, transforming into a massive eagle. Brie got on Varhine's back, and Aiyoshar got on Roya's.

       Then, Varhine took off, and Roya followed.

     Flying above the treetops, Varhine could see the mountains that lay to the North. She could also see the sprawling forest that lay before them. She followed the outline of the mountains, flying towards the rising sun.

      Despite the sun's bright light shining upon them, it provided little comfort from the cold.

       Within half an hour though, Varhine could see a channel carving through the trees. A thin line of blue tinted white that led southward from the mountains. She pulled herself into a dive towards it. Then, with a flash, Roya and Varhine had transformed back to their normal forms.

       "Why did we land?" Roya asked.

       "This stream has to lead somewhere. Gold dragons make their lairs near large bodies of water in remote locations. There's a chance this stream leads to a decently large body of water." Varhine explained.

       "In that case, we should follow it, right?" Brie asked. Varhine nodded.

       "Follow my lead." She said, before leading them along the stream.

       The temperature never rose above freezing. Occasionally, Varhine would have to give Aiyoshar or Roya magic to help stave off the effects of the cold around them.

       The frozen stream continued onward, and eventually, Varhine saw another, smaller stream merge without. It was now wider, and possibly deeper.

       Varhine had lead entire groups of young druids through such conditions, so leading three others was hardly a challenge.

       However, soon, night began to fall, and the group collected sticks for a fire.

       Thanks to her magic, Varhine was able to ignite the fire with magic. She took one of the sticks, and from it grew bright, red berries.

       The sky went from deep blue to a dark black color, and the stars became clearly visible above. Now and then, a shooting star would shoot across the sky, leaving a brief, white streak.

       Laced throughout the stars were vibrant blue nebulas, which contrasted against the black, dark sky.

       "I've heard that up in Point Frost they have light that dances across the sky." Brie said.

       "Really?" Roya asked.

       "Yeah, they say it's green and blue and purple, and it takes up the entire sky." Brie said.

       "You can also see it you sail about fifty or so miles North of Point Nordis." Varhine added.

       "Who would be crazy enough to do that?" Brie asked.

       "Who knows, Cedric and his group charged straight towards a green dragon, I wouldn't be surprised if someone out there were crazy enough." Varhine said.

       Varhine managed to keep the fire at a raging blaze several more hours into the night before she herself finally found rest. 

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