Chapter 281

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       The dragon stood amongst burning buildings that were covered in flame. The wood of the buildings seemed to instantly rot as the violet flames touched them, and then they were burnt to ash.

       The dragon's eyes flashed with violet light, and it roared with volume so loud that Zerai struggled to breath.

       Both Ella and Zerai froze, struggling to move forward.

       The dragon lunged forward towards Ella, who had taken up the front. Its jaws clamped around her, and she could hear bones crunching painfully.

       Zerai burst through the feeling just to see Ella slam into him after being sent reeling back by the dragon's tail.

       Ella groaned in frustration upon shaking the feeling from her.

       The dragon took off from the roof and advanced upon Ella, who was still in front.

       Ella cried out in pain as the dragon continued striking her repeatedly, and by the end of the dragon's barrage she was breathing heavily, and covered in gashes.

       Zerai flew forward at the dragon's head with his blade in hand. As he brought his blade upwards, it flashed with violet light, and all the dragon's flesh it passed through seemed to disappear.

       Then, Ella flew to the opposite side of the dragon, forcing the dragon to look back and forth between its two assailants.

       "Alright, time to die now, you're getting annoying!" Ella shouted.

       Ella brought her blade with all her force. Her strikes didn't have the usual touch of finesse, but they had considerably more brute force. Ella could hear the dragon's ribs cracking as she brought the blade through its stomach.

       She unleashed a barrage of clumsy, yet extremely powerful strikes. With each strike, she opened up more and more of the dragon's stomach, and soon its guts were pouring out and its organs were visible.

       "Doesn't feel nice to have your bones broken, huh?!" Ella asked.

       The dragon whirled around towards Ella, smoke pouring from its mouth. Then, Ella was slammed by the tail before being engulfed in a storm of violet flames.

       When the flames faded, Ella hovered there, covered with purple marks, gashes, and her own blood.

       "Zerai! Try to finish it off!" Ella shouted.

       Zerai slashed horizontally with his blade into the dragon's spine. Then, he flew up towards the head, and plunged his blade into the creature's skull. His blade flashed with violet light, and the dragon's brain was punctured.

       It's violet eyes went dark, and it began to fall towards the ground.

       Zerai flew towards Ella, and he whispered beneath his breath as he placed his hands on her shoulders. Golden light surged through her, her broken bones snapped back into place, the purple marks on her skin faded to her natural, deep brown color.

       "Can you give me a bit more, still feeling terrible." Elle requested.

       "Sure, but I need to save the last of my power in case something really bad happens." Zerai said.

       "Like what?" Ella asked.

       "You die." Zerai said.

       "Oh... right." Ella said. Zerai placed his hand on Ella's shoulder, and more golden light flooded through her.

       "Alright, feeling better? I've got a bit of extra healing if you need it." Zerai said.

       "Nah, I think I'll be okay, as long as I'm able to fight that feeling. So, you ready?" Ella asked.

       "Ready when you are." Zerai replied. The two took off from the roof where they had rested for a brief moment, and they flew towards the last remaining dragon that had made its way within Aaronsworth. 

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