Chapter 230

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       The two proposed the idea to Eris. They said they would have to think about it, but that was a lie.

       Back in their room that they shared with Cedric, they approached him.

       "Hey, Cedric, I uh, I'm going to go with Brie and Ella to an underground fighting pit tomorrow. Are you okay with that?" Eris asked.

       "I mean, sure. I don't see why that wouldn't be okay. You're not going to be killing anyone and whoever's fighting is probably willing." Cedric answered.

       "Oh, alright." Eris replied.

       "Is something wrong?" Cedric asked.

       "I dunno, I thought it would be a lot harder than that to convince you." Eris said.

       "And why is that?" Cedric asked.

       "You were really upset by the assassination job we took up in Point Nordis, so I assumed you didn't really like doing illegal things." Eris replied.

       "I don't like it per say, but what I really don't like is doing things that are utterly unnatural. Being able to do things without consequence while everyone around you has to deal with said consequences feel unnatural. Having strange privileges like that feels unnatural. Fighting for a resource is rather natural. Pursuing something is natural. That's the only thing I'm really against, Eris." Cedric explained.

       "Oh, I guess that makes sense." Eris replied.

       "It should. As strange as it is, nature always has a way of making sense." Cedric said.

       "Alright, do you want any of the money I earn?" Eris asked. Cedric shook his head.

       "Keep it."


       The next day marked the day of the fight. Eris went to Brie and Ella's room as evening approached. Both of them stood up.

       "Are you two ready?" Eris asked. Both of them nodded. Then, all of them made their way to the tavern, with Brie leading the way.

       Upon seeing the tavern, Eris could clearly see code littered throughout the tavern, this was definitely a front for an underground fighting pit. The bartender subtly gestured towards the door, and the three of them walked through it. Right away, someone stopped them, asking for the payment. Ella handed fifty gold over to the bouncer, and they merely nodded.

       "Go in." They said.

       The trio passed through a door leading to the fighting pit.

       The fighting pit itself was quite literally a pit. A series of tables had been set up, and in the center was a thirty by thirty foot pit that was about twenty feet deep. Steps lead down into the pit, and people sat all around.

       As time passed, the underground fighting pit gradually filled up more and more, whether with contestants or with spectators.

       Suddenly, all grew quiet, and a woman stepped forward. She had deep red, almost magenta skin, two long, graceful horns, and a dark, shiny afro.

       "Hello ladies, gentlemen, and anyone else gathered here. Today, eight teams will be challenging the reigning champions. Rest assured, they are more than capable of taking the punishment, and we have medics on hand. The prize pool for this fight is four hundred and fifty gold for the winner, whoever they may be. To all of the contestants, your team will be assigned a number, and when you are called you will enter the pit. The fight will start with Team One, please make your way down to the pit." The woman explained.

       While she was explaining, Ella was handed a card by a halfling man who ran amongst the groups of people surrounding the central pit. The card had the number seven written on it.

       "Now we wait." Ella whispered.

       The reigning champions consisted of one, incredibly bulky human man who wielded a massive axe, one elven woman with a bow, and a younger woman whose arm was covered in shiny green scales, not unlike the dragon the group had fought in the Northern forests.

       Effortlessly, they floored every single foe that went against them. After each fight, two people came down into the fighting pit. One was an older woman equipped with salves and gauze, and the other was a teenager, who appeared to use magic to heal.

       Eventually, the number was called out by the original tiefling woman.

       "Team Seven!" She shouted. Brie, Ella, and Eris stepped down into the pit. Everyone stood at a standstill glancing around. Then, the woman shouted.


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