Chapter 213

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       Cedric was the next to be lifted up towards the opening in the roots, leaving Ara' Sei and Eris back down in the dungeon.

       Just as everyone else before him, Cedric was led upwards towards and eventually up upon the open chamber to queen Zei' Dahla. He watched as vines grew up and around him, holding his limbs in place.

       "So, Cedric. I understand that you draw your power from the natural world, yes?" Zei' Dahla asked. Cedric nodded.

       "In that, we are much the same." Zei' Dahla said as she inspected Cedric.

       "When I put Eris through their trial earlier, I wasn't able to learn as much as I hoped to. However, I know that you two are close, so I will instead ask you." Cedric nodded in response to this.

       "So, Cedric, would you say Eris is good or evil?"

       Cedric cocked his head.

       "For someone versed in the ways of nature, I would think you would know better than to think in black and white." Cedric said. Zei' Dahla's head snapped back towards him.

       "Answer the question."


       "Very well, Cedric. Do you recall when they killed someone for money?"

       "It was in Point Nordis, they promised not to do it again."

       "I take it they've held this promise." Cedric nodded.

       "What did they use the money on?"

       "A diamond, so Ara' Sei could bring someone back to life if she acted quickly enough. If we hadn't done that, Zerai wouldn't be here." Cedric explained.

       "Very well, what would you do if I said they failed?"

       "Then I would doubt your worth as a protector of nature. You can't have such horrifically childlike knowledge of morality." Cedric replied.

       "I argue though, animals do not know any better, but I'm sure your friend does."

       "You mean to tell me that they told you nothing of their life! You mean to tell me you're going to look at the past and not the future. How are you so stupid?!" Cedric shouted, tears welling in his eyes. Some of the guards were glancing about wildly. Others were desperately trying not to focus on the conversation at hand.

       Zei' Dahla glanced into Cedric's eyes.

       "What makes you think such morality is not 'black and white'?" Zei' Dahla asked.

       "Between free will, mortality, and outside influences, there is no such thing as someone with such simplistic nature." Cedric replied. Zei' Dahla stood up from her crouching position and began walking back towards her throne.

       "Guards! Set him and Eris free. Then, bring Ara' Sei to me."

       Cedric was led to the meadow where the others were by the guards. Eris was lifted from the dungeon and was also led there. Ara' Sei was the only one left in the dungeon.

       Suddenly, the vines began lifting her towards the guards in the dungeon's entrance. Like every other person, she was led upwards. Then, she too found herself upon the platform.

       "Ara' Sei, before we start your trial, I have to warn you of something." Zei' Dahla said.

       "What is it?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Your trial will probably be the most difficult one."

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