Chapter 301

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       Ara' Sei and Eris were able to shrug off most of the impact. Everyone who had rings was also able to shrug off a part of the impact.

       Cedric and Zerai weren't so lucky. Cedric was on the ground in a fetal position, and Zerai was groaning in pain, straining to hold onto his blade.

       Eris went in first. The dragon was on the ground, and they were able to cover a lot of ground quickly. With the help of their premonitions they knew to roll under the dragon and thrust their dagger vertically into the dragon's stomach.

       Varhine's eyes shot straight to Cedric, who was barely holding on. She ran over and crouched next to him, placing her hands upon him.

       "Come on Cedric." She muttered frantically, focusing as much power as she could through him.

       "Th-Thank you." Cedric stuttered weakly in reply.

       "Don't thank me yet, idiot." Varhine said angrily.

       Zerai ran towards Ella, and he placed his hands on her shoulders.

       "Alright Ella, if this thing takes off, it's up to us." Zerai said. Golden wings sprouted from his and Ella's back. Both of them were nearly transparent, and looked like a smaller version of Ara' Sei's.

       Then, Zerai took off towards the dragon and held his blade at the ready.

       Brie remembered encountering a very similar dragon, and to her dismay, she recalled that her explosions would have no effect on it. Instead, she carved an intricate, pale blue glyph, and unleashed its power.

       Ice crystals rapidly formed up the chest and neck of the dragon, and it growled as its upper body was partially encased in ice.

       To the group's horror, violet flames began to gather within the dragon's throat, smoke billowing from its opened jaws.

       Another storm of violet flames were unleashed upon almost the whole group. Only Eris and Zerai were outside of the area, and they merely watched as the rest of the group was engulfed in flames.

       Zerai also glanced to see Ara' Sei make it out of the chamber in her pursuit of Ara' Carus.

       As the flames faded, everyone except for Ella was merely a smear of black ashes on the ground. Tears began to gather in Eris' eyes as they saw Cedric among them.

       Ella looked around at the shadow creatures that had begun to rise from the corpses. She rolled her eyes as they lunged at her.

       With skill that neither Eris nor Zerai had seen before, she evaded every single one, glancing their touches off of her armor and even swiping with her blade at one of them.

      Zerai's eyes merely flew to the diamonds he carried on him. He began correcting his course, knowing that he was the only one who could do anything.

       Ella flew at the dragon with all her fury, cursing at it beneath her breath. Tears flew from her eyes and her knuckles were white as they clutched her blade. The dragon was partially distracted with the dagger in its stomach, so Ella put every last bit of her strength into her blows.

       The already partially frozen chest of the dragon cracked out in huge chunks as Ella gouged into the dragon with her blade. Black blood poured out in torrents, and guts spilled out onto the dark, stone floor.

       From both ends, the fight was looking dire. The dragon had massive pieces of itself spilling onto the floor, and all but three of the group members there were dead. 

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