Chapter 234

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       The rest of the day for Brie was spent transcribing two spells she had seen Eris use to great effect. Then, she went to sleep as early as she possibly could.

       However, for the two outside the wall, the whole day was spent patiently waiting and meditating. The two passed the time by meditating and braiding strands of grass. However, soon, the time came when evening passed into night.

       Cedric placed his hand on Eris' shoulder, and his hand glowed with emerald light briefly as he recited the familiar words.

       "Alright, you've got this." Cedric said. With a faint emerald flash, he transformed into a mouse and hid within Eris' hood.

       Eris crept towards the wall in a crouched position, silently passing through the grass. Thankfully, the night combined with the knee high grass made hiding effortless.

       Then, they had made it to the stone wall without being seen by the guards at the top.

       As they put their hand on the wall, they could faintly see thick ivy growing from the cracks in the walls and creating handholds and footholds as they ascended upwards. None of the guards atop the wall managed to hear a sound as Eris ascended upwards.

       Then, they stepped onto the wall. A guard was posted about every hundred feet along the wall, each armed with a massive weapon. The wall was about ten feet wide, creating ample room for walking around.

       Unfortunately, Eris wasn't in luck. The moon was rather bright, and it reflected off the stone brightly. They would stick out against strikingly. Eris glanced at the guards to either side of them.

       Then, within a couple seconds. Eris had stepped across. It was too quick for any of the guards to notice. They quietly vaulted over the other side of the wall into the city. With a muttered word, they disappeared and reappeared on the ground. No one was around to see them, and with an illusory disguise they blended in perfectly with the few people still wandering around the city.

       However, they knew they weren't done just yet.

       They scanned the city, looking for any signs of code that could point them in the direction of somewhere safe. However, any code was well hidden, and after an hour of searching, they still hadn't found anything.

       Finally, they came across something. It was a sign that appeared to any simple observer to simply ramble on about a botanist's business. However, Eris knew they could stay there for the time being.

       Eris entered, and someone was in there, they appeared to be taking plants off of shelves and putting them closer to the window.

       "Business is closed." He said. He was a human man with short, messy black hair, and tanned skin.

       "You misunderstand, I'm not here for the main business. I'm certain you're aware of the other business you can provide, kind sir. I'm in a somewhat uncomfortable circumstance and I'm positive you have just the thing for it." Eris said, lacing their words with gestures. The man nodded.

       "I do charge, how long do you need?"

       "For now, just tonight." Eris replied.

       "Five gold, per night, come with me." The man said.

       "Just a small thing, there's two of us." Eris mentioned.

       "You'll both fit." The man replied. He took Eris and Cedric to a dark, dark room. It was ten feet by ten feet, and contained two, tiny beds. The whole thing was filled with various plants, and it even had a small window in the ceiling.

       "Stay here in daylight hours. At night like this you can go out, but you need to be back by the dark hours of morning." The man explained.

       "Thank you." Eris replied. Now, they had a safe haven in Point Sathus. There was now only one thing left to do.  

Author's Note: This is the last chapter of 2020! Hopefully things don't get too crazy and busy to the point I can't write. 

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