Chapter 211

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       Much like Eris, Zerai was lead through the tree, and eventually up to the open chamber where Zei' Dahla's throne lay.

       "Hello Zerai. The time of your own trial has arrived, and I have a few questions for you." Zei' Dahla said. Vines wrapped up around Zerai, restraining his limbs.

       "Alright, ask away." Zerai said. Zei' Dahla stepped forward and looked into Zerai's eyes.

       "You have dazzling eyes, no normal being of the material plane would carry such a thing." Zei' Dahla said.

       "Well, I'm not exactly a normal being." Zerai said.

       "How so?" Zei' Dahla asked.

       "This is my second life, in this one I was born with celestial power." Zerai answered.

       "How did you acquire such power?"

       "I made a deal with a celestial being, and I was brought back to life in order to fulfill it."

       "Have you fulfilled it?"


       "What task did you bind yourself to fulfill?"

       "I was tasked with trying to end slavery, which was the reason I fell in my first life." Zei' Dahla's eyes widened.

       "I am reminded of the horrors of your plane once again. Have you done anything evil in your second life?" Zei' Dahla asked.

       "I would imagine I've done something bad. Likely in trying to achieve my goal. Fighting guards was always something I did too much." Zerai said.

       "Hmm. Thus far, you have the most kinship with any of us. You have good aims, but your ways of achieving those things can be questionable, strange, or brutal. Trust me, almost anything in this plane could understand that fully. However, I need to see how good you are at achieving your goals." Zei' Dahla said. The vines released Zerai and he shook his arms off.

       "You look like a warrior. A warrior fights to preserve what they love and what they wish. And so, I ask you to prove yourself in combat against one of my own warriors. This fight shall go on until one of you falls. I will see to it that neither of your lives are in danger." Zei' Dahla asked. She gestured towards one of her guards and they stepped forward.

       "This is one of my warriors, their name is Vor' Haiyar. They will be your opponent." Zei' Dahla explained. Vor' Haiyar was an elf with long, blonde hair. They had a sturdy build, and they wielded a scimitar alongside a pale metal shield. Zerai summoned his blade, its violet glyphs glowing.

       "When I say so. You two shall start." Zei' Dahla explained. Both of the warriors had their blades at the ready. They looked at one another, both ready.

       "Start!" Zei' Dahla said. Vor' Haiyar and Zerai both charged forward.

       Vor' Haiyar was the first to lay down their attacks. Their scimitar moved with incredible speed. However, Zerai was able to glance most of them off.

       Zerai retaliated by swinging his blade, upon which his opponent was engulfed in celestial flames. Then, Zerai muttered a word beneath his breath. His body flashed with golden light, and his opponent stumbled back. However, Vor' Haiyar was able to recover rather quickly.

       Zerai charged forward upon Vor' Haiyar with his magical blade. But, they glanced the hits off of their shield.

       Then, they advanced forward with an even quicker flurry of slashes from their scimitar. Most of them landed their mark, and blood was spraying across the wooden floor below. Zerai once again retaliated with a burst of celestial flame.

       Then, Zerai once again advanced with his blade. One of his cuts slashed deep into Vor' Hairar's shoulder. Then, Zerai's body glowed with golden light as the wounds he sustained began to mend.

       Vor' Haiyar took a deep breath before advancing, he definitely appeared to be struggling through the impacts he had taken. However, he was beginning to falter.

       "It was a good fight." Zerai said. Then, one final burst of celestial flame engulfed Vor' Haiyar. They fell to the ground, and Zei' Dahla stepped forward and placed her hands upon them. Their burns mended, and their eyes opened.

       "Thank you, Vor' Haiyar. Zerai, you've proven yourself worthy to me. Now, escort him to the meadow that way. He'll wait there until the other trials are over." Zei' Dahla said. Zerai was fed, given water, and escorted to a meadow nearby. He was able to relax and talk to the strange, local birds as he waited for the others to continue their trials. 

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