Chapter 242

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       The light faded, revealing the familiar sight of the hamlet that Ara' Sei's house resided within. A few locals looked in awe at the group of people that had just appeared before them.

       Before anything happened, Ara' Sei was running towards her house. Her legs were weak and tired, but she continued to press forward. She opened the door, to immediately see her mother knitting.

       "Ara' Sei, is that you? Goodness, you look so pale. Okay, I'll go get someth-"

       "Mother, get my father. We need to leave this place." Ara' Sei said.

       "Why?" Lyra asked, standing up quickly. The group came in behind Ara' Sei.

       "It's not safe here anymore. We can help everyone get out of here." Ara' Sei said, glancing at Cedric.

       "Oh, right! Yes, I do have that spell ready today if we need it." Cedric said.

       "What happened?!" Lyra asked. Ara' Sei sighed, and then looked her mother directly in the eyes.

       "Point Sathus has fallen. And there's an army of dragons probably going North, probably going here." Ara' Sei explained. Lyra's eyes widened.

       "I'll go get Nathan, how many people can you get out of here?" Lyra asked.

       "Probably close to twenty." Cedric said.

       "That's it? We won't be able to get everyone out, will we?" Lyra asked. Cedric shook his head. Lyra nodded and headed outside.

       "We can only take so many, but we have to evacuate as many people as possible." Ara' Sei said.

       "Where?" Cedric asked.

       "Do you think Cresselbrooke will work?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "That should work, it's hundreds of miles from here, so it's probably not in any immediate danger." Cedric said.

       "I'm gonna have to contact a lot of people away over the next couple of days. The whole world needs to know about this, about what's happened." Brie said.

       "Okay, I'll go with Zerai to gather some people, we need to tell them about this." Ara' Sei said.

       Ara' Sei and Zerai frantically ran around the hamlet, warning people of the oncoming danger, and trying to round them up to evacuate. Many of them listened, but some of them denied it. What was the possibility that there was an army of dragons out of nowhere?

       Soon, about twenty two other people had been gathered around the group. Ara' Sei let her magic surge through her, empowering her weakened voice.

       "Danger is on its way here! However, my friend Cedric has a means of transporting you to Cresselbrooke, which, at the moment, is far away from the danger. Follow him to a nearby tree. He will open a doorway, and you will walk through it, emerging in Cresselbrooke. Go through in an orderly fashion, please!" Ara' Sei instructed.

       The group of people lined up in front of the tree that Cedric specified. They were ushered through too quickly to admire the emerald glow of the door and the sheer strangeness of it all.

       After using the spell three times, Cedric was able to transport everyone through.

       "I don't think I can transport us until tomorrow." Cedric said to the group.

       "How will we get away then? They're dragons, so they're going to get here fast." Brie said.

       "I can turn myself and one other person into an eagle. But, that's it." Cedric said.

       Aiyoshar looked out into the distance, clutching his amulet in his hand.

       "We'll have to rest. We need to wake up long before the sun rises." Aiyoshar said. The group glanced to him.

       "Are you sure we have time?" Ara' Sei asked. He shook his head.

       "By the look of things, we don't have much of a choice." Aiyoshar said. Ara' Sei nodded, leading the group into her house. She took out every blanket and had to pack every bed with people.

       For a few minutes, she stood outside the door of her home, looking out across the fields of farmland. Her eyes began to water, and tears began streaming down her cheeks.

       "Ara' Leos, I'm not sure you were right about me. Now that I'm on my own, things have to come to this, and because of me." She said, staring out at the grass, which formed waves in the wind.

       "I'm doing my best, but at this point, I'm not sure it's enough." Ara' Sei walked back inside, dried her tears on a pillow, lay on the floor, and tried to find a semblance of rest. 

Converging Destinies: Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora