Chapter 214

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       "Very well." Ara' Sei said. She flinched as vines began to work their way up their body and tightly wrap around her.

       "I need you to describe how you all ended up here." Zei' Dahla said.

       "We followed a prophecy written upon a stone tablet into the Boiling Ocean, and I believe we fell through a portal to a gray, desert like plane." Ara' Sei explained.

       "What prophecy was written upon this stone tablet?"

       "It goes like this." Ara' Sei said before taking a deep breath.

       "Upon the sea to the South, you shall find the greatest key. Deep within death's mouth, you shall find the melody. If you will accept its call, then the truth is what you'll see. If you fully heed this message, you will be the lord of all. It sounded important, and we didn't see any other obligations, so we followed it." Ara' Sei explained.

       "What blocked you from leaving this desert plane earlier?"

       "For some reason, interplanar travel didn't work. And then we were attacked by several dragons. A-And then... we uh..." Ara' Sei could feel tears welling in her eyes and sobs threatening to shake through her.

       "Go on."

       "Dragon attacked. E-Ella and Zerai were gone. I-I only had one d-diamond after fight. So, I brought Zerai back." Ara' Sei stammered. She could feel tears flowing down her face now, and blood rushing to her cheeks as the queen and guards all merely stared at her.

       "What prompted you to choose Zerai."

       "W-well, I think it's because... because... I-I love him as more than just a friend."

       "Hmmm, and Ella was dear to you?"

       "Yes! Obviously, you idiot!" Ara' Sei shouted back. Some of the guards gasped.

       "Now, tell me, Ara' Sei, as best you can, why should I take you back to bring Ella back. To me, she's just another mortal, so convince me why I should even bother." Zei' Dahla.

       "She's my friend, and I need her. W-we all need her. I miss her, a lot." Ara' Sei managed to see.

       "You see, that's very generic. I'm not sure why I should both-"

       "Listen up you pathetic excuse for a queen!" Ara' Sei shouted. Ara' Sei could feel her heart pounding in her ears. Her spectral, divine wings sprouted from her back. Her body flashed and she took to the air.

       "She was dear to me, and I will not have you insult her name!" Ara' Sei said.

       "Again, very generic. You need to convince m-"

       "Convince me to not annihilate you, then we'll talk." Ara' Sei threatened. The guards gasped and raised their weapons.

       "Show me your power, girl. I want to see it. Show me your power backs your powerful words." Ara' Sei let her throbbing anger and her divine power flow into her arm. Then, the whole top of the tree was turned white as a roaring beam shot towards queen Zei' Dahla.

       Zei' Dahla screamed and fell to the floor, a massive hole burnt into her chest. But then, she stood up.

       "Hah! You have backed your passionate words Ara' Sei. I don't care what bold things you say, as long as you have some substance behind them. Your friends are in a meadow nearby, I'm sure you can find them. Tomorrow, I will transport you all back to the material plane to bring your friend Ella back." Zei' Dahla explained. Ara' Sei took a deep breath and wiped away the tears on her face.

       "Thank you." She said before immediately searching for the meadow. Soon, she found her friends, and all of them were reunited.

       "So, we all passed huh?" Zerai asked. Ara' Sei nodded.

       "Barely, but yes, I think so." Ara' Sei said. Everyone smiled and joined in a hug, Zerai made sure to lift Brie into it.

       "We're going back, finally, tomorrow." Brie said.

       "It's been well over a month and a half away from anywhere familiar, huh?" Zerai asked.

       "Yeah, that seems about right, but tomorrow we finally go back to Point Sathus." Eris said, a wide smile on their face. 

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