Chapter 235

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       Brie woke up as early as she could, before the sun had even risen. She hid the stolen spellbooks under her bed before studying her own.

       She flipped through the pages of her spellbook frantically, finding anything that could be of use.

       Then, she took on the disguise of the halfling man and left mere minutes before sunrise.

       The first thing she did was find a hidden away corner. Then, with her magic, she spoke a message.

       "Cedric, I think you've escaped. You can meet me tonight at sundown at the Loaded Table Inn unless you have other plans." Brie said. Cedric twitched in surprise during his meditation as he heard the message within his mind.

       "I don't think so. It's good to hear that you've escaped. I'm here in hiding with Eris. I believe we can meet up with you." Cedric replied. Brie smiled.

       She constantly travelled in different forms throughout the day, carrying only the book that contained mentions of Ara' Carus. She travelled in the forms of elderly beggars, short teenagers, and various halfling women.

       She was constantly on the move, only stopping for a few minutes to sit down or eat street food that she had bought.

       She became sore as the day wore on, but soon, sundown began approaching. She began making her way back to the inn, her legs rather sore from walking the entire day.

       A few minutes after the sun had sunk over the horizon, Brie was outside the inn. Soon, a single cloaked figure approached her. The hood went down, revealing the form of a young, human woman.

       "Brie, is that you?" Eris asked in their disguised form.

       "Yes, it's good to see you." Brie replied.

       "Should we join you inside?" Eris asked. Brie nodded before taking the illusory disguise of the man she had used to buy the room. Once Eris was there, a mouse jumped out from their hood and transformed into Cedric.

       "Okay, now that we're all here, we can discuss how we're going to get the others back. That is what we're doing, right?" Brie asked.

       "Yeah, although, we have no idea where they are, and we don't know this city as well as you do." Eris answered.

       "Well, our crime is breaking into a powerful institution. Our friends are probably in the dungeons beneath the academy. That's where magic criminals and the like go." Brie explained.

       "How are we going to break in?" Eris asked.

       "I don't know. What I do know is I probably need to contact one of our friends. I think they can help us out." Brie said.

       "Okay, what else?" Eris asked.

       "We could probably sneak onto the campus, I could turn all three of us invisible at once for a full hour. I was able to pick up that spell from what I snagged. Then, I can guide us down to the dungeons. We'll have to pick off the mages who guard the dungeons, probably with lethal force. We can't afford any more problems than we'll already have." Brie explained.

       "I know you can sneak us in, and Eris can pick off the guards, what should I do?" Cedric asked.

       "You should be there as back up if anything goes awry." Brie answered. Cedric nodded.

       "Okay, I have no objections to the plan, is there anything else we should know?" Eris asked.

       "We're doing it tomorrow, we should be careful. Be ready for the worst." Brie said.

       "Alright, in that case, we have a place we need to get back to. I think we can meet you here again before sunrise tomorrow." Eris said.

       "Thank you, see you then." Brie said, as Eris left in their disguised form. 

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