Chapter 233

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       Cedric flew Eris out of the city before transforming back into his normal form. The two hid, crouched in the grass. Over the sea to the East, the Sun gradually rose more and more.

       "What should we do now?" Cedric asked.

       "Well, we probably have to go back in at some point and rescue the others." Eris answered.

       "Also, do we know if all of them got caught?" Cedric asked. Eris stared out towards the city.

       "I don't know." They said.

       "Okay okay, that's fine, I think. We should probably go back in tonight." Cedric said.

       "Do you have any ideas for how? I imagine a city like this is very well guarded." Eris pointed out.

       "I can give you the spell that lets you climb walls, then I can turn into a mouse. I trust you'll be able to sneak your way past the guards." Cedric said.

       "Yeah, probably." They replied.

       "In that case, we just have a lot of waiting to do, for now." Cedric said.

       Back in the city, a disguised Brie was scrambling to get away from the crime scene. Thankfully, no one seemed to pay her much mind.

       She knew she wouldn't be able to keep the disguise up forever, and within a few hours a lot of her magic would be exhausted. She took a deep breath and thought about her options.

       She put her books down in an alleyway, made sure no one else was around, and cast the spell again. She picked up her pile of heavy books.

       "That's one thing I need, a book bag." She said. Thankfully, she knew the city well, and she was able to get a bag for her books rather quickly. Next, she needed a place to hide overnight. Then, the realization hit her.

       "There are people that can find me by magical means." She whispered to herself. She glanced at her spellbooks, and instantly knew what to do.

       She ducked into another alleyway, and her form morphed to that of a halfling man. Then, in her new form, she purchased the necessary inks she would need for transcribing.

       Next, she would need a well secluded, private place to transcribe the spell she needed. She found a different inn from the one before that she bought a few nights in.

       Once she was finally in her room, she took out all of the illegal spellbooks she had stolen. There were so many spells contained within that were so very tempting, but she didn't have time for them.

       She found the one she needed relatively soon. But then, disaster struck as she read the notes taken beneath the spell.

       "This spell requires traces of diamond dust to be consumed in its casting. Crap! I don't have that kind of money." She said to herself.

       "Okay, they have divination magic they can use to detect me, probably by tomorrow. What can I do to evade that?" She asked herself. She continued to flip through the pages of the books she had stolen, desperately searching for an answer.

       "Wait, the spell Eris uses to disguise themself is probably in one of these. If I keep moving in different forms, they probably can't track me as easily." She looked at the room around her.

       "Okay, I'll write that one down. And... I can probably write one more illegal one down as well. Then I'll have to leave these spellbooks here for tomorrow. Tomorrow... I could contact Cedric, I think he managed to escape, and I could get help from him." Brie said to herself.

       Now, she finally had a plan going forward, and she could finally get to work. 

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