Chapter 263

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       Ara' Sei stood up.

       "We don't have time for this." Ara' Sei declared.

       "You don't have a choice." The man in robes said. The guards slowly surrounded the group.

       "Back off." Ara' Sei said, her voice magically amplified.

       "Arrest them." The man said. The guards advanced forward.

       "Let's get out of here." Ara' Sei declared. Ara' Sei then muttered a word beneath her breath that echoed with deafening volume around them. Everyone in the city heard a thunderous, muttered word from beyond the wall.

       All of the guard's eyes glowed with white light, and they stood there, completely helpless. The robed man stood among them in a similar state.

       "Let's get out of here." Ara' Sei said, bringing the group with her away from the city.

       "Where are we going to go?" Eris asked.

       "We'll hide in the fields, and hope the farmer doesn't have a dog." Ara' Sei said.

       "How are we going to warn them?" Zerai asked, glancing back towards the city. He could hear faint shouts as guards up on the wall saw the incapacitated guards below them.

       "They might be onto us." Zerai said.

       "Okay, in that case, Cedric, you got anything?" Ara' Sei asked. He nodded and placed his hands together, muttering an incantation beneath his breath. Everyone around him briefly shimmered with emerald light. And then, they snuck into the fields.

       Their feet created no footsteps, and their movement made not a sound as they decided to go back into the cornfield they had come from. At this point, it was only afternoon, but Ara' Sei already wanted to collapse and sleep.

       But, they had some things to discuss.

       "So, everyone, how are we going to warn the city of the incoming dragons?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "You know that illusion spell I used a while back, I can use it to make sound as well. I was thinking me and Cedric could sneak into the city and I could make an auditory illusion warning everyone of the incoming attack." Eris said.

       "Oh, okay, now that that's sorted out, there's another thing we have to discuss." Ara' Sei said.

       "What is it?" Zerai asked.

       "Our strategy today... it didn't work. My strategy didn't work. Now, Cresselbrooke is gone. I don't want Aaronsworth to be destroyed on top of what's already happened." Ara' Sei said.

       "Well, maybe it was because we didn't have time to make a connection with these magic items." Ella suggested, pointing at her ring.

       "Those will certainly help, but the fact is we're nine people, and there's still about twenty dragons that Ara' Carus has. She's destroyed so much and she's ended countless lives as a result." Ara' Sei said.

       "Yeah, I don't know, who would help us fight this threat?" Eris asked.

       "I have an idea, it's a ridiculous one, but it's an idea." Brie said.

       "What is it?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Well, the biggest threat here is the dragons. Based on previous encounters, I think we are whittling their numbers slightly, but not enough. I figured the best way to fight dragons, would be with dragons." Brie explained.

       "Go on." Ara' Sei said.

       "You see, whatever these dragons are and whatever dragon you guys killed, they're not the only kind. There are dragons out there with good intentions in mind." Brie said.

       "You mean metallic dragons?" Varhine asked.

       "Yes! How do you know about them?" Brie asked.

       "I know about all manner of creatures." Varhine replied.

       "Well, if we could find even a single metallic dragon willing to help us, it would make fighting Ara' Carus so much easier." Brie said.

       "Alright, that's a good plan for the future. How are we going to find one of these dragons?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "That's the thing... no one has sighted such a dragon for over two hundred years." Brie said.

       "Okay, in that case, that should be a backup plan." Ara' Sei said.

       "Actually, I think I have an alternative idea." Eris said.

       "What is it?" Brie asked.

       "What if you, Aiyoshar, Roya, and Varhine went to look for a metallic dragon, while the rest of us stay behind to try and continue whittling the dragon's down?" Eris asked. Brie's eyes lit up.

       "That way we could find a dragon and try to protect Aaronsworth if any problems arise." Brie said.

       "Aiyoshar, Roya, Varhine? Do you agree to this?" Ara' Sei asked. All of them nodded.

       "We could certainly do that." Aiyoshar said.

       "Alright, in that case, we'll stay behind to protect Aaronsworth." Ara' Sei said.

       "Do you guys need to be transported somewhere?" Cedric asked.

       "It would be wise for us to leave tomorrow, I have an idea of where we might find such a dragon, but we should start tomorrow, not today." Varhine said.

       "In that case, everyone, get some rest." Ara' Sei said.

       Soon, the sky began to darken, and the moment evening fell everyone had collapsed from exhaustion. Ara' Sei couldn't shake the visions of the burning buildings and shadowy creatures from her head, but she still slept.

       The next morning, everyone felt slightly cold, very stiff, and the now familiar feeling of heightened resilience and greater magical power. They didn't know if they were ready, but they knew they had a plan. 

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