Chapter 267

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       Back in the cornfield, Ara' Sei and Zerai sat together. They gave Ella plenty of space to practice with her blade.

       "Tell me, what's on your mind?" Zerai asked.

       "I'm thinking, I'm sure you've noticed the similarity in the names between me and Ara' Carus, right?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Yeah, I've noticed, do you know why the similarity is there?" Zerai asked.

       "The first part of our names is a title, it is a title given to mortals born with divine magic, mortals like me. I learned it in the last full vision that I had, right before we left Oarshear. I wonder, if she went through the same thing as me, how did she turn out like this. Could I turn out like this?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Well, what do you stand for?" Zerai asked. Ara' Sei looked at the ground, letting a light dance above her hand.

       "I stand for the divine that brought me into being, and so I stand for the good in the world, I suppose." Ara' Sei said.

       "What does good mean to you?" Zerai asked. Ara' Sei took a deep breath.

       "It means helping those who can't help themselves, fighting for those who can't, fighting for those that are weaker than yourself." Ara' Sei answered.

       "Alright, do you know what she stands for?" Zerai asked.

       "It's... hard to say, but, she talked to me during the battle, about how she wanted to kill all normal mortals, except beings like us, mortals born with divine magic." Ara' Sei summarized, recalling the fight just the day before. It felt like eons had passed within the past twenty four hours.

       "Okay Ara' Sei, I'm gonna be blunt. She wants to kill weaker people, you want to protect them, there is no similarity. From how you replied, I know you've given this a lot of thought, and that's good. You know what you stand for, and I can see that what you stand for isn't even remotely the same as her." Zerai explained.

       "Oh, okay, thank you for telling me." Ara' Sei said. A moment of silence passed.

       "Zerai, you make me feel better, I don't know how, but you always do. I-I, know it seems cheesy and melodramatic but I don't know what I would do without you, and it's been so much easier with you here." Ara' Sei said, tears beginning to pour from her eyes.

       Zerai put his arm around her and pulled her closer. Pulling his cloak up, he wiped the tears from her eyes.

       "Why are you crying, dear?" Zerai asked.

       "I-I don't know!" Ara' Sei said, laughing as snot poured out of her nose, she wiped it with her arm. She snapped her fingers and her arm flashed with pale light, and her arm was wiped clean.

       "Oh goodness, are you okay?" Zerai asked.

       "I'm fine, things have just been, oh gosh I don't know it's been really confusing and busy. And, I don't know if I'm strong enough to fight Ara' Carus or if the others will come back or if people will actually listen to the message. Goodness, for having so much magic I sure have very little control over everything." Ara' Sei said.

       "Trust me, everyone has to deal with the fact that everything is spiraling out of your control, but you're not alone on this. I'm no more certain than you are for what's next. If I die, I don't know if I'll get a chance to make up on my promise that I made the first time I died. I don't know what will happen to me for not fulfilling my promise." Zerai said, his eyes beginning to shimmer.

       "Oh no, is my crying contagious?" Ara' Sei asked. Zerai leaned his head back and gave out a loud laugh.

        "Oh no Ara' Sei, you're infecting me, how could you!!" Zerai said melodramatically.

       "Oh, will the whole world go into hiding to avoid the terrible teary curse?!" Ara' Sei asked.

      "Yes, the whole world will spiral into despair from your curse Ara' Sei! Goodness, what have you done!?" Zerai asked, collapsing to the ground and clutching his chest.

       Ara' Sei lay her upper body on top of Zerai, wrapping her arms around him.

       "Oh no, my curse has claimed my dearest lover, what ever shall I do?" Ara' Sei asked, immediately collapsing into laughter. She could feel Zerai's laughter in his chest, and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.

       Ara' Sei wrapped a lock of Zerai's dark, curly hair around her finger. He ruffled her short hair with his hands.

       "Do you wanna kiss?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Of course!" Zerai said with a laugh. Their lips chest, followed soon by their tongues, and for a moment Ara' Sei let herself fall into the ecstasy, and she let all of her concerns dissolve away. 

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