Chapter 298

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       Roya pointed their hand towards one of the dragons, trying to aim near the base of the wing as best as they could. It didn't hit the wing, but the beacon of sunlight glowed around it.

       Varhine flew back, and began to swing around for another orbit.

       Ara' Sei saw the glowing point of sunlight, and she began to let a river of fire flow through her left arm, which she had not yet used.

       A spear of flame hurled itself towards the base of the dragon's wing. It slammed into the base, leaving a large scorch mark behind.

       Ella flew forward with her blade in hand. With one swipe of her blade, she cut the dragon's wing clean off before flying towards another. The next one she flew to was far smaller, and it was the last of the smaller dragons under Ara' Carus' command.

       Ella no longer put fluidity and grace into her strikes, the dragons were vulnerable, and she focused on putting as much power into them as possible.

       With three slams of her massive, magical blade, one of the dragon's wings was brutally severed, and it also fell towards the ocean below.

       Only a few of Ara' Carus' dragons remained, and it amazed Ara' Sei at how the once large group had now been reduced to five dragons.

       Zerai flew down and picked Brie up before beginning to fly back upward. Thankfully, she was small, so she wasn't difficult to carry.

       Cedric was no longer flying away from the dragons ahead, instead, he began flying towards them.

       Eris flew forwards with all their speed before making one massive laceration into one of the dragon's shoulders, sending a black spray of blood flying into the air.

       Brie sighed, gazing at the battle above, helpless to being useful in any way.

       Ara' Carus groaned before aggressively shaking off the shackles upon her. She looked at the battle around her, and suddenly her dragon began flying towards Aiyoshar.

       Auracordius saw what Eris was doing and flew forward. He clamped his jaws onto the base of the dragon's wing, and with a sickening crack, the wing went limp. Then, Auracordius tore the wing off and spit it out towards the now falling dragon.

       The dragons finally shook Aiyoshar's curse off of them, and they began to lock onto the targets that lay all around them.

       Auracordius had to fight off swiping claws. Eris groaned as they were clamped in a dragon's jaws.

       Ara' Carus held out her hand towards Cedric, and suddenly his eagle form withered away, and him and Ara' Sei began to plummet towards the ocean below.

       Aiyoshar began to notice Ara' Carus' approach, and he began to fly away atop his pegasus.

       In response, a ray of violet light hit the pegasus, and dark crystals formed around its wings, and Aiyoshar turned around to see Ara' Carus gaining on him.

       Roya began to advance, and they muttered a prayer beneath their breath, causing sunlight to flood through Eris.

       From Ara' Sei's back, two pristine white wings unfurled, and she began flying upwards, but she couldn't take her eyes off of Cedric, who still plummeted towards the water. 

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