Chapter 306

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       Brie proudly recounted her tale of defeating the dragon with her magic. Ella and Eris helped to fill in the gaps in the story from when Brie was a dead corpse. The group began to settle down for the evening. They decided to do it outside of the frightening labyrinth of Ara' Carus' home. Instead, they did it out on the stony floating island itself.

       Roya began to mourn Aiyoshar. Cedric and Eris fell asleep. As usual, Zerai was sleeping like a log. Somehow, Ella was still in the mood for exercise.

       However, Ara' Sei approached Brie just as she had opened all her books up around her.

       "Brie, do you have that messaging spell ready?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Oh, yeah, of course, who do you need to send a message to?" Brie asked.

       "Does the spell work... even if you haven't met the person?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "It can, as long as you describe them well." Brie said.

       "Well. I want to send a message to someone, her name is Lyra. She's not as old as Ella, about twenty years older than I am. She has brown hair, so many dimples, she smiles a lot, just a couple wrinkles." Ara' Sei said.

       "Alright, who is she?" Brie asked.

       "My mother, I need to make sure she's okay." Ara' Sei said. Brie nodded, hoping the worst hadn't come to fruition.

       She carved the glyph, and then took a deep breath.

       "Hi Lyra, this is Brie Evertempest. I'm a friend of Ara' Sei's. She wants to check in with you, see if you're okay, are you?" Brie asked. A horrible, long moment passed.

       "I'm fine, bit rattled, very tired. Good knowing she's alright. I'm in some cave near Cresselbrooke with some bread. It's under a creepy shack." Lyra explained.

       "She says she's fine, and she's in a cave under a shack near Cresselbrooke." Brie said. Ara' Sei's eyes widened.

       "Oh. Alright, well, I know where that is, so that's good." Ara' Sei said.

       For the rest of the night, Brie spent time writing down spells in her spellbook. The illegal spellbooks were filled with interesting rituals and destructive spells. Brie decided to record as much as she could, but she knew she couldn't hope to have enough ink.

       It wasn't clear when morning came the next day, but eventually, everyone woke up. Ara' Sei transported the group back to Cresselbrooke. She found her parents beneath the Necromancer's shack in the cave below, and they gratefully accepted magical berries from Cedric.

       The group looked at the collapsed, burnt remains of the Beachside tavern.

       "Eh, their ale was pretty crappy, cheap though." Ella noted. Eris smirked.

       "Couldn't have said it better." They said.

       "Oh well." Ara' Sei said. She sighed.

       The group spent the night in Cresselbrooke. They couldn't find any other survivors. Lyra and Nathan told the story from their perspective. The strange dizziness upon being teleported, as well as the knowledge of the dragons coming North.

       "Thankfully, we hid. The other people from our hamlet ran from Cresselbrooke. Almost everyone in the village thought we were crazy, a shame." Lyra said. Ara' Sei nodded.

        Later that night, Brie sent a message to Auracordius. With relief, she had confirmed that he had taken care of the last remaining dragons that had survived their fall into the Theirin Bay, and that he had come out alright in the end. 

       Now that Ara' Carus and her army of dragons were gone, the group just had to decide what was to do now.

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