Chapter 255

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       "Ara' Sei, you don't look too happy to see me." Ara' Carus said.

       Glancing behind her, Ara' Sei could see the dragons behind her no longer following with such ferocity.

       Ara' Sei began to let the light build in her arm.

       "Oh, not yet, I need to talk to you." Ara' Carus said, pointing her finger at Ara' Sei. She felt a strange feeling overcome her. Her panic and rage felt forcefully quelled. She knew they were there, but she just... couldn't act on it.

       "Come here Ara' Sei." Ara' Carus said. Ara' Sei felt no reason to disobey, so she flew over to Ara' Carus and sat upon the dragon. Ara' Carus nestled her in a spot in front upon the massive beast's neck.

       Then, Ara' Sei felt the magic that Ara' Carus had put upon her lifted, hearing Cedric's caw. Ara' Carus glared towards Cedric.

       "Goodness! I'm trying to have a conversation!" Ara' Carus shouted. She stuck a hand outwards towards Cedric, and a red bead of light flew towards his eagle form. In an explosion, he was thrown out of his eagle form.

       Down below, Ara' Sei could hear a dragon roaring, glancing down, she saw Eris atop a dragon that was careening towards the ground, roaring in agony.

       "Gosh, they're being annoying too, I suppose this conversation won't be as mutual as I hoped it would be." Ara' Carus said, sighing.

       Ara' Sei felt the whole world go dark around her, she was in a massive, grey desert, with the dunes shaping the horizon. Looking at the ground, she screamed.

       All around her were the withered, blackened corpses of all her friends. Aiyoshar, Brie, Cedric, Ella, Eris, Roya. Then, she felt the weight in her arms.

       It was Zerai, but his eyes were open and unblinking, and they stared into the distance. His flesh slowly began to blacken and wither.

       "I don't want to do this, not to someone as perfect as you." Ara' Carus said, her voice coming from nowhere and everywhere at once.

       "W-W-Why." Ara' Sei stuttered.

       "Oh, you're right, I haven't explained myself. Well, I'm sure you've witnessed the horror this world has to offer. The other mortals and their squabbles, terribly bloody ones at that. It's not hard to start one, you just do some dirty work and let their prejudice do the rest for you. Such pathetic things, I don't want them in my world." Ara' Carus explained. The sound of roaring faintly audible through the illusion around her.

       "But you, you're like me, you're perfection, you're strong." Ara' Carus said. Ara' Sei couldn't do anything but shiver and listen.

       "You could join me Ara' Sei. This world could belong to us, and the others like us. With your power, we could find them. Oh, how my heart warms at the prospect of such a beautiful world." Ara' Carus continued. Ara' Sei could feel Ara' Carus' breath near her ear, but it felt strangely cold.

       "But, you must make your choice now." Ara' Carus said.

        Around her, the world changed. Ara' Sei could see the streets of Erathir, and the way that people had stared at her. She remembered General Andif's words.

       "The people of that country are none of my concern." The voice rang, and echoed against the walls of the vision.

       Then, Ara' Sei saw a small girl with pale skin and even more pale hair. But her pale skin was marked by bruises and gashes. An older, masculine voice shouted and screamed furiously, but it felt distant. All Ara' Sei could see were the tears flowing down the girls cheeks, and the terrified expression on her face.

       Then, Ara' Sei remembered Geros. She remembered the group following her wild visions all the way across the ocean. How Eris had faced their past for Ara' Sei's vision.

       Then, she saw the rolling flower fields surrounding her. The beautiful pastel colors painted against a dark sky. And standing there, tall and proud, was Ara' Leos.

       "It wasn't real, Ara' Sei, and only you have the power to keep it so." Ara' Sei closed her eyes and clenched her fists, letting tears well within her eyes.

       "So, what do you say?" Ara' Carus asked. Ara' Sei looked to the sky, and closing her eyes, she remembered Zerai's touch, his gorgeous golden eyes, and the knowledge he always carried with him.


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