Chapter 294

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       Roya muttered a word beneath their breath and a glow of sunlight was sent rushing through Brie. Then, they crouched down towards Varhine's ears.

       "Fly me towards Auracordius and Brie, I want to back them up." They said. Varhine began adjusting her course as such.

       Ara' Sei pointed her finger forwards and let a beacon build within her fingertips. For the briefest moment, she remembered when this was considered powerful magic by her standards. A beacon of pale light fired from her fingertips and sailed towards the dragon locked in combat with Auracordius. Unfortunately, it bounced off the dragon's scales, and Ara' Sei cursed beneath her breath.

       Ella flew to Auracordius' aid and she swung her greatsword into the dragon, using all the momentum she had gathered from her flight. She groaned as she struggled to push the blade into the dragon's scales.

       She was met then by a tail slam to the chest.

      Zerai held his blade forward, and four bolts of golden light flew at the same dragon. One of them flew wide, but the others slammed into the dragon's scales, each leaving a mark.

       Cedric began to swerve away from approaching dragons, but still kept a generally forward course.

       Eris gripped their blade and flew at the small dragon with all their speed. With their speed and magically empowered precision, their blade passed clean through the base of the dragon's wing, sending it hurtling towards the ocean below.

       Brie's eyes flew to some of the other rapidly approaching dragons. Once again, she unleashed an explosion, but this time towards the dragon that was rapidly approaching nearby, just behind the one everyone had focused their attention on. Unfortunately, her aim was off, and the base of the dragon's wing remained relatively unharmed.

       The dragon that Ara' Carus flew atop began setting its course directly towards Eris. Then, she reached her hand out.

       Violet energy pulsed through Eris, and they groaned as searing pain flooded their entire nervous system. It was as if Ara' Carus had set all of their blood boiling for the briefest moment.

       Then, Eris had to dodge the barrage of dragons diving towards them, as well as the flaming spear hurtling from Ara' Carus' outstretched hand. They hissed as the flaming spear slammed into their stomach.

       Auracordius growled as the dragon fighting him attempted to sink its jaws into him. Then, a stream of violet fluid impacted them, and their scales began to steam and simmer as they were dissolved away.

       Aiyoshar flew ever closer, and with a muttered word beneath his breath, Auracordius' form glowed with sunlight. Then, from their outstretched hand, orange flames licked across the dragon locked in combat with Auracordius.

       Roya held their hand outwards as they flew above the battle below. Auracordius, Aiyoshar, and Brie all glowed with sunlight as they flew above.

       Ara' Sei's eyes flicked over to Eris, who was desperately fighting amongst a cloud of attacking dragons.

       "Let's help them." Ara' Sei said. Then, she focused fire through her arm, and sent a spear of flame hurtling through the sky towards Ara' Carus.

       Ara' Carus spun around and groaned as she was slammed by it, focusing her magic to lighten the impact. Then, she bared her sharp fangs at Ara' Sei.

       Ella took a deep breath and began swinging her blade with all her strength at the dragon in front of her. Three fluid sweeps of her blade carved into the dragon in front of her, and it roared in pain.

       Cedric flew as fast as he could towards Eris in order to help, and Zerai finally made it to the front lines of the battle. 

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