Chapter 302

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       Ara' Sei approached the doorway, the battle beginning to rage behind her. The archway that Ara' Carus had walked through led to a stone staircase. Ara' Sei ran up, seeing Ara' Carus not too far ahead.

       Then, the stairs flattened out into a small hallway, and Ara' Sei continued her pursuit. The dark stone walls were plain and lacked any form of decoration.

       Then, it opened up into a dark room that Ara' Sei's eyes had trouble adjusting to. Ara' Carus stood next to a pedestal, with a small, difficult to see object upon it.

       "So you followed me, all the way here." Ara' Carus asked.

       "Yes." Ara' Sei replied. Suddenly, the object lit up with violet light, and Ara' Sei could clearly see that it was a single, pale feather, not unlike the ones on her wings.

       "Well, thank you for giving me the privilege of wiping you from the face of this world myself!" Ara' Carus shouted.

       Violet lightning crackled up her arms, and then it exploded outwards in a bolt of lightning that struck Ara' Sei in the stomach. Ara' Sei cried out in pain and was sent reeling back from the force.

       Ara' Sei let light flow up her arm, and she breathed through her teeth as heat began to build. Sweat was dripping down her arm by the time she unleashed the massive beam.

       The whole chamber was lit with white light, and the roar of the beam echoed with deafening volume within the chamber. Ara' Carus screamed as a hole formed through her hip, and part of her midsection had been turned to dust.

       Then, Ara' Sei raised her other, letting hot fire flow through it. Tears began to gather from her eyes, and her body became drenched in sweat within seconds. A spear of flame was hurled towards Ara' Carus, who caught it, barely flinching from its impact.

       Ara' Carus hurled another flaming spear directly back at Ara' Sei.

       Ara' Carus then whispered beneath her breath, and Ara' Sei felt her whole body go cold, and the world began to go dark. Then, her body flashed with pale light, and she broke free of the spell that Ara' Carus had attempted to place.

       "What?! That should have killed you in your state!" Ara' Carus screamed.

       "Well! I'm not looking to die today!" Ara' Sei shouted back, tears flying from her eyes and steam rising from her arm as she let the light flow through it.

       Violet light began to flow through Ara' Carus' body, and the wound in her hip began to bend.

       "Well, I have plans, and I'm not letting some young, naive girl decide my fate. Despite being given the power of gods you would rather bow to mortal scum!"

       Then, the beam erupted from Ara' Sei's hand. It slammed into Ara' Carus' chest, and bits of her began to crumble into gray dust.

       Ara' Sei took a deep breath, and her pale wings erupted from her back before she took to the air.

       Immediately, a flaming spear slammed into Ara' Sei's chest, and for a moment she gasped for air.

       Crackling violet electricity began to storm within Ara' Carus' arm. Her arm began to shake as her magic began to build.

       "Just let go and let me wipe this world of its filth!" Ara' Carus screamed. Then, the violet lightning erupted from her arm, and Ara' Sei felt her whole body go tense and nearly still, a single tear slid from her eyes as she convulsed and screamed. 

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