Chapter 205

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       The group instantly tensed up. Zerai summoned his blade in his free hand, his other hand grasping the cloak which Ella's broken corpse was wrapped in. Eris took out their daggers.

       "Goodness, I see this realm has had... an effect on all of you." The woman said.

       "Who are you, and what do you want?" Zerai asked.

       "I want the same thing you do, to escape this wretched plane. My name is Ara' Carus, and I have lived here for far too long." Ara' Carus replied. Ara' Sei's eyes widened.

       "What would your names be?" Ara' Carus asked.

       "My name is Zerai." Zerai said.

       "I am Brie Evertempest." Brie answered.

       "Eris." Eris replied.

       "Cedric." Cedric said.

       "Marianne." Ara' Sei lied. Zerai gave her a strange look, but only for the briefest instant. Ara' Carus didn't seem entirely convinced.

       "Very well. Anyways, congratulations, you're the first people to come around in one hundred and fifty years! Goodness, it's been a while. I've been doing a meticulous job of keeping track of time, you'd best be grateful." Ara' Carus explained. Then, she turned around.

       "I should go ahead and show you my manor." Ara' Carus said. The group glanced at one another, but ultimately followed Ara' Carus' lead.

       As they passed into the manor, it was clear how unnaturally dark everything within was. It was difficult to see, and all that was visible was Ara' Carus' form.

       "So tell me, how did you all end up in this terrible, terrible plane?" Ara' Carus asked.

       "Well, we were led here by a message on a tablet we found." Zerai answered. Ara' Carus stopped.

       "Oh gosh, the same way as me. Where did you find this stone tablet?" Ara' Carus asked.

       "In the lair of a green dragon, why do you ask?" Zerai asked.

       "Ah, they did a great job of hiding those tablets. You see, I came across such things as well, and I was lured into this plane. As I'm sure you've found, it's rather difficult to escape." Ara' Carus said.

       "Quite difficult, usual planar travel isn't functional." Brie replied.

       "I imagine not. Those tablets were created as a lure. This plane is a prison." Ara' Carus explained.

       "A prison for whom?" Cedric asked.

       "A prison for anyone powerful enough to get here. You see, powerful individuals, such as yourselves, can pose a bit of a threat, you know?" Ara' Carus asked.

       "Right, and are you one of these threats?" Zerai asked.

       "I very well could have been, but alas, I was lured here by my own naive ambition, and now I'm paying the hefty price. Whoever this prison was originally made for, I do not know." Ara' Carus said.

       "Do you have any ideas regarding how we could escape? We only have five days until a friend of ours is beyond recovery from death." Eris said.

       "I've been working on something that may help. You may follow me." Ara' Carus said.

"Another thing, do you know where the dragons in this plane come from, Ara' Carus?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "No." Ara' Carus replied, but Ara' Sei wasn't convinced.

       As the group had been talking, Ara' Carus had led them down a set of steps. Ahead of them was a massive, stone archway which led into a pitch black chamber beyond.

       "Then where do they come from? They've been coming from this direction." Ara' Sei said. Ara' Carus walked into the dark chamber, and illuminated her hand with her light.

       "Marianne. What a strange name, it's very ill fitting for you isn't it?" Ara' Carus said.

       "I was named after my great-grandmother." Ara' Sei replied.

       "Hmm, yes, true. But, I know dishonesty when I see it. Marianne isn't your name is it. You don't think I recognized your gift the moment I see you? What's your true name, little angel?" Ara' Carus asked.

       "Ara' Sei." Ara' Sei replied. Everyone else was shifting around and glancing about, trying desperately to distract themselves from the conversation that was happening. Ara' Carus stepped up to a massive device crafted of gray stone. A hand shaped indentation had been carved into the rock. Ara' Carus placed her hand within it, but nothing happened.

       "So, you recognize my gift don't you? Our power is not the same, mine is far superior. But, you're not bad yourself." Ara' Carus said, running her long, pale fingers through Ara' Sei's blonde hair.

       "I recognize your title, but I see a face, demeanor, and verdict that don't match. Why are you here, Ara' Carus!?" Ara' Sei asked firmly.

       "I suppose I was foolish to think I could deceive someone of the same nature. This plane is my prison. I want to break free. The gods made this place to hold me here, but with your arrival, I think I just might have a chance of escape." Ara' Carus said, her mouth creeping into a wide smile that plainly showed her fangs. Then, her fangs glowed with violet light as she lunged forward. 

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