Chapter 254

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        The three soared towards the army of dragons with incredible speed. The massive shapes of the dragons began to converge on them. Ara' Sei's breath grew faster and faster.

       "Now! Split up!" She shouted.

       Ara' Sei, Cedric, and Eris all split up. Dragons split up to fly after them.

       Eris effortlessly flew ahead of the dragons, and so did Cedric. However, Ara' Sei quickly began to find trouble doing so.

       Ara' Sei briefly turned around, letting a beacon build within her hands in an instant before releasing it and turning back. Calling her power so quickly caused a searing pain to spread through her arm, but she couldn't worry about that. However, it missed by a wildly large margin.

       In return, the dragon opened its maw, and violet flames emerged from it. Ara' Sei groaned as she felt her whole body go cold, and a wave of dizziness and drowsiness came over her. But, she was able to maintain her position in flight.

       Cedric was flying far too fast for any dragon to have a hope of catching up to him.

       Eris glanced to see the three dragons following them.

       Using the magical flight, they whirled around and dove towards the smallest of the dragons. Eris's magical wings had no trouble maneuvering them rapidly, but the dragons wings were large and awkward. Eris smiled.

       They flew just over the dragon's neck and then, they saw it, their dagger plunging into a weak point in the dragon's neck. Following their strange premonition, they plunged their dagger into the dragon's neck, causing black ichor to spill out.

       The dragon roared and convulsed mid flight as its neck was punctured. Then, as they leapt off the neck, that strange feeling came back to them, and they briefly saw the tail whirling towards them. Once again, the exact same thing they saw happened a brief moment later, and they were easily able to evade it.

       Cedric flew in to be somewhat closer to Ara' Sei before giving a piercing cry. Ara' Sei's body glowed briefly with emerald light, and the strange blackish purple marks left on her receded slightly.

       Ara' Sei took a deep breath, and spun around again as she flew from the dragon in pursuit of her. To her horror, there were more dragons following her than she realized. However, she channelled the beacon to her fingertips, and fired it off towards the dragon closest to her. The beacon slammed into the creature's shoulder, but it seemed to pay little mind to it.

       Eris took further advantage of the three careening dragons behind them. Then, they had an idea. They dove towards the smaller dragon's shoulder, where its wing was connected to its body. Then, they plunged their dagger in, pulling it in one direction as far as possible.

       The dragon roared in pain, and very rapidly began flailing as it fell downwards. Eris had to hold on with all their might not to get thrown off the dragon.

       Eris saw the tail flying towards them before it happened, but they had to hold on. They groaned as it slammed into them, but still held on.

       Eris heard a piercing cry from Cedric, who was effortlessly keeping ahead of the dragons behind him in his large, eagle form. Eris felt the soreness in their shoulder ease.

       Ara' Sei was rapidly beginning to tire out trying to keep ahead of the dragon's behind her as well as use magic.

       "Hello, Ara' Sei." Ara' Sei nearly lost focus on flying as she heard the voice. A few feet to her left was Ara' Carus, flying on her massive dragon.

       "Oh, you." 

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